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Halo news back Sunday, April 9, 2006 Halo news forward

Scale Comparison Updates
Stephen Loftus submitted a pair of updates for his Scale Comparison article; down near the bottom, you'll find new weaponry scale charts (one for the Covenant, one for the UNSC) - and each one has a corresponding hi-res PDF document you can download, if you need or want higher quality silhouettes of the items. Good stuff! (Louis Wu 14:21:17 UTC) (permalink)


Special Fred - and why it's here
Recently, we altered the information that MPRRS reviewers had access to about their own reviews; we gave them the ability to easily see when their reviews were wildly different from the norm. There aren't any solid rules about where you have to be in this regard - we're not looking to censor reviewers simply because they don't think like other reviewers. However, if someone is consistently lower than everyone else by a significant margin (our 'problem' delta is 25%), it behooves us to look closely at movies that fail solely because of reviews from these reviewers. One such film was 'Special Fred', from QuickTactical and the Epic Films crew; 7 out of 10 reviewers passed it, one gave it a score that was 2 points below passing, one failed it by about 10%... and one person was 30% below the average. Since that person has been well below the average on almost half his reviews (often without any real justification in the comments sections), this seems like an unreasonable score to base the failure of Special Fred on - so we're hosting it. It's funny, audio and video quality are quite good, it uses Stephen Lynch's music (always a plus), it does a great job of illustrating the song; I think it's worth seeing. You can grab it in WMP9 format (39.2 mb) or QuickTime format (39.1 mb). Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go listen to The Craig Machine. (Louis Wu 14:04:39 UTC) (permalink)


I like to watch.
Rocksiider continues his investigations into fun battles you can set up on Silent Cartographer - check out this forum post for more details. (Louis Wu 13:52:25 UTC) (permalink)


MLG Pro - a Template?
Michael Katcher looked at the MLG model and extrapolated to sports in general; could we see internet-based subscription content supplanting one-size-fits-all TV options in the future? (My guess - not if cable companies have anything to say about it; video-on-demand might make this whole concept moot in the next couple of years.) Comments can go into his blog, or into the forum thread he started to let us know about this. (Louis Wu 13:49:06 UTC) (permalink)


Just your average pixel pusher
During my travels through the Red vs Blue community, I ran across HyperSoldier, who's got quite a bit of Halo-related artwork up at DeviantART (as well as a few extra pieces in his RvB images collection). Give it a look! (Louis Wu 13:43:19 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

Secrets of the Phantom
You got questions? We got answers.
ItWasLuck's Montage 5
Happy Birthday, HIH!
Mister Chief T-Shirts for All

Friday's news in brief:

Ask, and ye shall... be answered, mb
Behind the Scenes with Joseph Staten
Halo: Portable - now more portable
Under Cover of Night, Remixed
HaloCE Server List at HaloMaps
7 on the 7th... again!
Put on your glasses, start sewing!
Happy birthday MPRRS
Two Thousand And Se7en.
You Got Over Shield
Friday Fiction
He needs a new crack pipe.
Warhammer crossover gets better press

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
