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Halo news back Friday, March 31, 2006 Halo news forward

What Number Strip Is This?
In honor of the 458th One One Se7en, Stuntmutt takes another look at Nicole... though not the look he'd like to take. (Louis Wu 14:30:22 UTC) (permalink)


Light Reading Week
Well, after deleting the first 6 instances of The Meep's first chapter (why do people have to go all postal on the submit button?), the solid blocks of unformatted text, and the speculation that belongs on the Story page or our forum, we're left with 9 Fan Fiction entries this week. Go read. (Louis Wu 11:17:17 UTC) (permalink)


You coulda built Rome a few times.
Over at Subnova, Funkmon found an article with some stats about Xbox Live - and while it focuses mostly on how the 360 is more tightly integrated with XBL than the original box was, it contains a Halo stat that's pretty amazing: one third of all hours logged on Xbox Live since the service went live in November 2002 - 500 million hours out of 1.5 billion - have been logged playing Halo 2. 500 million hours... that's a pretty mind-numbing number. That's more than 57,000 man-years. (Louis Wu 10:57:25 UTC) (permalink)


IGN: The Rumor Guys
Gah. When sites as big as IGN post rumors about Halo 3 release dates, our mailboxes fill up with speculation. According to them, Halo 3 will be released in March 2007, with more info coming at E3. This might be true, it might be garbage... we can't say. Bungie is still keeping mum about whether or not they're even DEVELOPING the title, much less when they're releasing it. Nevertheless, IGN has put this up, which means unless we acknowledge that it's out there, our mailboxes will CONTINUE to fill. When Bungie actually announces something, we'll be sure to crow it from the rooftops... looks like Coolpengwn was the first to let us know. (Louis Wu 10:40:13 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Lego Zanzibar
Zany troupe, indeed.

Wednesday's news in brief:

Living In Oblivion.
Intellectualizing Halo at UF
The Halo-Related Art of Paul Davies

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