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Halo news back Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Halo news forward

Utfoo lives - again
Amaroq and Ducain put their heads together, and after rubbing the resultant lumps, they managed to create a 100% complete mirror of Frogblast's website; the seminal trickster had documented most of his work, but the site was up and down, and finally down permanently. Rather than let this work be lost to the bitbucket, HIH has revived it, and made a permanent copy - and for that, we say Thankya big big! (Louis Wu 22:28:33 UTC) (permalink)


UESC/UNSC Fabric Patch
Blayne Scott, a hardcore Marathon fan who maintains a couple of pieces of the bungie.org family of sites and who's created a number of traditional-media items inspired by Marathon in the past, has whipped up a pretty cool Marathon Fabric Patch. (It's simlar to the one seen on Captain Keyes' uniform in the first game, and it matches the box sticker on the original Marathon release.) They're currently for sale on eBay; he needed to make 50 of them to get a reasonable price from the patch company, so he's selling the extras. The auction is up for another 4 days. Go look! (And check out the Hall of Fame, showing pics of older products he created, along with community members wearing them... there's great old shot of our very own Finn in there!) (Louis Wu 20:31:58 UTC) (permalink)


Sheet music - now for schools
Wow, very very cool. We get email regularly from high school students or teachers looking for sheet music for Halo pieces; we generally send them to Rampancy.net, which has (I think) the largest collection of Halo sheet music on the net. However, most of this is fan-transcribed, and ranges in quality from very, very good to... um, not so good. Konrad noticed an article over at Siliconera which says Video Games Live has teamed up with Alfred Publishing to bring a number of video game pieces to schools. The arrangements seem to be done by teachers... but I'm guessing there's SOME sort of quality control, right? (I can't point you directly to the VGL announcement at Alfred, because it's in a frameset - but it's about halfway down their front page at the moment. Currently, it lists The Halo Theme (for both Orchestra and Marching Band) and Halo (for Concert Band), all ranging from $50-$60, with more pieces coming.) (Louis Wu 19:49:20 UTC) (permalink)


Misc Art Update, Part 2
I'm STILL not done... but there's another large batch of stuff in the Miscellaneous Art section today; I'm getting CLOSER to cleaning out the queue. There's some amazing stuff in this round; I hate to draw attention to specific pics (because I worry that folks will look ONLY at those), but don't miss Khan's Forerunner, or Sabarika's furry Chief. There's also a pretty cool background you can turn into a custom Halo clock, from Bry-guy12. And there are a couple of dozen OTHER pics - all of them are worth your time. Go look! (Louis Wu 19:38:00 UTC) (permalink)


Captain Planet 2.0
imSuck and the HollywoodHalo crew submitted another vid to the MPRRS yesterday; it's a spoof of the early 90's Captain Planet cartoon. It's a pretty funny piece, and (as is true of all of imSuck's work) beautifully filmed. (To the whole HH crew - you guys need to move your mouths away from the mics when you talk - or record dialogue after the movie. Otherwise - great work!) Grab a copy in WMP9 format (45.2 mb) or QuickTime format (45.8 mb). (Louis Wu 18:56:56 UTC) (permalink)


The Valley of the Forerunners, Part 5
Valley of the Forerunners, Part 5 has been posted on the Halo CE Chronicles website. The marine contingent doesn't understand what they've gotten themselves into - Sargeant Roberts learns the hard way what happens if he stops trusting Harrington. Great integration of stock Halo footage, combined with lots of new stuff. 8:40 long, available in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash. (Louis Wu 16:23:46 UTC) (permalink)


Hitman: Redone
Incogneto submitted 'Hitman: Redone' to the MPRRS recently, and they liked it. So we're serving it to you. It's a movie about a guy who works for the mob, and one of his deals goes sour. Some nice effects here! Grab it in WMP9 format (41.5 mb) or QuickTime format (41.2 mb). (Louis Wu 15:34:11 UTC) (permalink)


Prometheus: Still Going
The Prometheus Team (the folks working on an all-inclusive Halo editor) has posted Update #6 on their website; it's really long, and basically says 'we're doing a lot of stuff, but we still can't show you most of it.' (Well, it says a LITTLE more than that.) If you're wondering what had happened to these guys, go read. (Louis Wu 15:28:58 UTC) (permalink)


South Florida Halo Tourney April 1
r2 writes to point out a Halo 2 tourney coming up in West Palm Beach this weekend; $40 per team registration, 2v2 TS 2006 MLG rules, up to $300 cash for first prize. More details (including contact info and directions) are available at their website. (Louis Wu 15:16:00 UTC) (permalink)


Eddie Smith Prints - Now For Sale!
Looks like jman571 was first with the news that Frankie had posted a snippet about those new, limited edition (500 total) mylar prints mentioned in last week's update. Swing by the Bungie Store, and for $30 (plus shipping), you can snag one of these signed-by-the-artist masterpieces! (Louis Wu 15:13:01 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

In The Pink.
Codex: Halo
Two great shooters, back to back
Podtacular Ep 55
Halo Tourney Writeup - Eastern WA
It's. Because. She's. Evil!

Saturday's news in brief:

What comes after 4?
I bet they have real trouble with the buttons.
Soldiers of War Ep Five
The Red Carpet Treatment
Eddie Smith is AMAZING.

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