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Halo news back Tuesday, March 14, 2006 Halo news forward

HCEC: Valley of the Forerunners, Part 3
The Valley of the Forerunners, Part 3 has been released over at the Halo CE Chronicles website. Harrington encounters stiff resistance from the marine contingent... and the first real sign of trouble appears. 7:29 long, available (as always) in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash formats. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:35:00 UTC) (permalink)


Meet The Chief
Thomas Reynolds submitted a film called 'Meet The Chief' to the MPRRS - and they liked it, quite a lot. It's rather unique; I'm not sure how to describe it without stealing any of its thunder, so I'll simply post the description Thomas gave it when he submitted it:

A Halo 2 obsessed fan gets drawn into a strange world when his internet connection goes down...

I found it hilarious. Snag it in WMP9 format (52.1 mb) or QuickTime format (55.6 mb). When you're done watching it, you can go read a blog entry Thomas wrote up about it; I'd suggest holding off until you've seen it, to avoid being spoiled. (Louis Wu 12:26:26 UTC) (permalink)


No, I mean shut up Grif!
Red vs Blue Episode 75 - 'Things Are Looking Down' - has been posted for sponsors. The Red Team is reunited with Lopez, and the Blue Team introduces Andy to Doc (well, sort of). If I ever join an armed force, I hope nobody like Sarge is anywhere above me... thanks, DirePhoenix. (Louis Wu 12:20:04 UTC) (permalink)


More German Elite Articles
About a month ago, we pointed out an analysis of Elites, written in German and hosted at Halo Orbit (Part 1 (pages 1-3) | Part 2 (page 4)). Recently, we received word about two more parts; I'm not exactly sure when they came in, because the date stamp on the emails says 1997... but they're in the last week or two. You can visit them here: Part 5 | Part 6. Again - these are in German, and there is no translation available. If you speak German, though, or are willing to struggle through a Google translation, give these a read! (Louis Wu 12:16:12 UTC) (permalink)


Sex, Drugs, and Halo Pros, Part 2
A million years ago (okay, last April), Team GAG released a movie called 'Sex, Drugs, and Halo Pros, Part 1' - the first half of a chronicle of the team's road trip from Chicago to Houston in order to participate at MLG Houston, last March. They've finally released Part 2. If you ever wondered how this all ended up - wonder no more. Thanks, Adam. (Louis Wu 12:01:23 UTC) (permalink)


Adam Roe's Painted Chief
agdTinMan found a pretty cool 3D Master Chief figurine (3 inches tall), and posted word of it on our forum. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 11:54:18 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Conquest Trailer
Age(s) of Conversion
Bucket Heid.
The Big Pink Elephant
Podtacular Ep 53
New Work from Bryn Casey
The Dangers of Online Gaming
Halo Armor on eBay
Halo Nerds Ep 3 Part 1
In Amber Clad Model Update

Sunday's news in brief:

Mural 4: Age(s) of Discovery
Just PSP It.
Airsoft Battle Rifle
Prettiness for your desktop
Soldiers of War, Episode Two
New Fun on SC
Query Spree 1.1.4
Fixing your XBL Headset
LaFonda, turn it off, I'm not kiddin'!

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