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Halo news back Sunday, November 17, 2002 Halo news forward

Hunter Madness
Update on the 3D Hunter model from Aleph One... •M has generously sent along a few other variants; we've put them all on their own Miscellaneous page. Gah - I'd LOVE to see a Halo Marathon mod... (Louis Wu 21:13:42 UTC) (permalink)


Halo for BF: 1942?
We received word of a mod for Battlefield: 1942 that takes place in the Halo universe. The creator is looking for help in building this, although at the moment it's not clear whether Bungie will actually allow a mod like this to be released. (With Halo for PC still in production, the fear is twofold; first, that Bungie/Gearbox/Westlake will be judged by the quality of third-party work, and second, that folks will say "well, I can just play Halo on [existing engine of your choice] - why buy Halo for PC?" Until these issues are worked out to Bungie's satisfaction, any such mod is in limbo. That's not to say there's no value in showing you what's already been accomplished...) Take a look, and feel free to comment on our forum! (Louis Wu 20:25:39 UTC) (permalink)


The Mod Squad Strikes!
Heh - check this puppy out. You can see some static pics on •M's spnkrghol gallery page - a Myth-to-Aleph One conversion that seems to be taking a side trip or two. (I found the first link in this post on the Marathon's Story page forum.) Bungie fans are great. :) (Louis Wu 18:04:04 UTC) (permalink)


Fans help make it good
Matt Soell has written a short update to let you know what's going on with the ongoing Halo Winter Season. You can find it on B.net's Tru7h and Reconciliation site. Round 1 saw 1100 people. How many will turn out for the next round? (Louis Wu 14:56:58 UTC) (permalink)


Artwork stuff
Quiet weekend for Halo news, mostly because I'm taking it off with my family. :) Spec Ops Elite has sent in an image he calls the Covenant Homeworld... you'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. And to whoever uploaded a pretty cool-looking Master Chief/Xbox wallpaper from Switzerland yesterday... we only got the first 250k of it; could you try again? (And please - identify it while you're at it. Thanks!) (Louis Wu 02:32:21 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

King Fu? I don't think so.

Friday's news in brief:

Chief's Bad Day
Boatloads of words
Gives new meaning to 'Crash and Burn'
Photo Impact and you
The Junkyard - up again, naturally
Xbox is One today!
4 last pics
Time to hit the sack...
Themes for hire

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