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Halo news back Monday, November 4, 2002 Halo news forward

Info where it's most needed
Cybrfrk has again updated the Gameplay Tips section - the Site Map is now complete. If you're a tip submitter, you can use this page to determine what areas of the database are short of tips, and submit information in those areas! Thanks. (Louis Wu 22:03:36 UTC) (permalink)


Spartan Patch now available
Eric Nylund described a special Spartan insignia in 'The Fall of Reach':

      There was a special insignia on his uniformed [sic] as well: a golden eagle poised with its talons forward—ready to strike. The bird clutched a lightning bolt in one talon and three arrows in the other.

Warbow has created this patch, for any wannabe Spartans to use - you'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 18:12:33 UTC) (permalink)


GameSplurge looks to Halo 2
GameSplurge put up a Halo 2 Preview this weekend. Nothing new, but hey, previews are previews, right? Thanks to Battleground: Halo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:46:48 UTC) (permalink)


Matt Soell on the Gamesome Mac
Sean Smith writes to tell us that Matt Soell will be on The Gamesome Mac, a weekly Mac gaming radio program, tonight. Broadcast is 6-8 pm PST on Monday, November 4 (that means it starts at 9 pm on the east coast, and at 2 am Tuesday, UTC.) If you miss it, archives are kept. Discussed tonight will be (among other things) the Mac version of Halo. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:08:59 UTC) (permalink)


Hang 'em REAL High.
Another regular heard from... and another iGames qualifier loss. Vector40 described his Saturday, competing for entrance to the iGames Halo Winter Season. They won their first game (as did Team OvK), and lost their second (as did OvK). Good read, and some decent pointers for folks looking for advice on team games. (Louis Wu 13:47:36 UTC) (permalink)


Favorite map?
Dolbex wrote to say that a recent poll at the Halo50K site ('What's your favorite board to play on?') showed that a huge majority loves Blood Gulch. Check out all the results, they might surprise you! (Louis Wu 13:15:00 UTC) (permalink)


$1k for winning at Halo...
cobaltnova popped on to the forum yesterday to describe the next tournament his group his hosting. This one's called the HALO: Killtacular Invitational, and top prize is $1000. If Phoenix, AZ is within your visiting range, be there on January 11. (Louis Wu 13:11:38 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Bad game, good price
Why not Elites?
HIE thee to a website!

Saturday's news in brief:

FF Activity
I need the audio...
I gotchyer tip, right heah...
You're with who?

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H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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