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Halo news back Friday, October 4, 2002 Halo news forward

Halo: Combat Evolved comes online
Spec Ops Elite sent word of his Halo site - he'd like you to check it out! (Louis Wu 18:15:16 UTC) (permalink)


New screens finally posted
Our Screenshots database has been updated with the X02 screenshots released a couple of weeks ago, and some images released by gamesradar.com, the web arm of Edge Magazine's parent company. (The X02 shots are high resolution... but the gamesradar shots are lower-res scans. If you can get hold of the magazine, you're better off.) (Louis Wu 16:42:56 UTC) (permalink)


Baseball players relax with Halo
Halo sighting on the front page of today's San Francisco Chronicle - seems some players with the Oakland A's like to burn off steam with Halo. Check Patroclus' post for details. Update: Patroclus found an online version. (Louis Wu 16:10:59 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Morning Fan Fiction:

Go get 'em... (Louis Wu 14:00:03 UTC) (permalink)


Wallpaper, and some requests
Three new desktop images for you in our Wallpaper section. I'd like to take this opportunity to clarify a couple of points about item submission - be it artwork, fan fiction, movies... First: if you use our ftp uploads space, please identify your work. Either upload a small text file saying who you are (and what you uploaded), or email us with this info. One of the Wallpapers in this upload is unidentified; it's the last submission without attribution that we'll post. (There's an unattributed banner we can't post in the uploads folder at the moment.) Second: I realize this is partly my fault, for posting things quickly most of the time, but please: if you submit something, and it doesn't get posted in the next 6 hours, do not submit it again. If you're unsure whether we received it, you can send us email. In the past few days, we've gotten 5 or 6 creations submitted more than once, because we didn't post them the day they came in. As a common sense check, when life gets busy here and decreases the amount of time available for updating HBO, having to deal with multiple copies of the same files only makes things worse. (It doesn't help that more than half of you choose to send in your wallpaper with a name like 'Halo.jpg' or 'Wallpaper.bmp' - when trying to make sure we've covered all the recent submissions, it's hard to tell duplicates apart from similarly named items.) Just a few requests that will make our lives easier... which, in turn, means more Halo goodness for you. (Louis Wu 13:07:07 UTC) (permalink)


Halo cleans up at OXM Year One Awards
Nick points out that the November issue of the Official Xbox Magazine contains the "Xbox: Year One" Awards. Halo took 6 of the 22 first-place awards; Best Action Game, Best Multiplayer Game, Best Game Story (shared with Silent Hill), Best Use of Hard Drive, Most Addictive Multiplayer, and Most Shocking Moment. Not too shabby! (Louis Wu 12:35:14 UTC) (permalink)


12 steps... down the AotCR pyramid
Is the Xbox taking over your life? This article suggests that the quality of video games is pulling in more and more converts - and not all of them are male. Halo features prominently in the discussion of addiction. Thanks to Dave Candland for passing on the link. (Louis Wu 00:48:28 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Jaime Griesemer talks to CVG
Guess that release date!
Legendary... sort of
And they said it couldn't be done...

Wednesday's news in brief:

Just watch the drops, dude...
Psychadelic Halo
Halo'ed MC
EGM Goodness now available everywhere
NextGen Gamers looks at Halo

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
