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Halo news back Monday, August 12, 2002 Halo news forward

Phoenix? No, Rampancy...
Once upon a time, a big star in the Halo fan firmament was The Core, which morphed into Rampancy.net. Time went by, and R.net slipped off the radar screen - dns woes, loss of maintainers to the Bungie developer stable, and maintainer change of focus all contributed. Narcogen has resurrected the site, however, and it now sports a Halo 2 forum, an emerging Halo 2 FAQ, and more. Stop by and say hello! (Louis Wu 20:09:04 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox Gamers to interview Bungie
Apparently, Xbox Gamers has managed to secure an interview with the Halo 2 development team - they're currently asking for questions. If there's anything you must know, head on over! (Thanks to Aginor for the heads-up.) Update: you might want to check Matt's own words on the subject before you send your questions in... (Louis Wu 19:49:28 UTC) (permalink)


Reading Material
Clearing out the rest of the weekend Fan Fiction queue:

Read 'em now, before we're offline... (Louis Wu 19:44:18 UTC) (permalink)


Desktop secrets, revealed
I said I'd do it - so I'm doing it. Too much mail about this - too many forum posts. Last Thursday, Halo 2 was announced - and at 6:15 am PDT, Bungie released a set of desktop images. One of them ('The Mark VI') contained some very-hard-to-read text spread around the image. About an hour later, lexicus began to decipher it - the final tidbits were posted an hour after that. The full transcription can be found in THIS post - put up after one-too-many threads on the subject. They're still coming (as is the email), though.. hence this news post. Bottom line: The text is known, please don't send us any more modified images showing it to us. Thanks! (Louis Wu 17:49:26 UTC) (permalink)


Weekend Queue shrinking
Halo 2 secrets revealed... and why you shouldn't worry. All in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 17:33:20 UTC) (permalink)


And the Fan Music collection grows... SilverBrin has submitted a new piece for your listening pleasure. He writes:

      I just uploaded a file called "Mahdrigalo.mp3". It's a piece I wrote the day I heard Halo 2 was announced.Ê It is also in honor of Marty O'Donnell's timeless music.Ê It is exciting to think he is now working on new stuff for the new game!

      Anyway, I twist around the Halo and The Siege of Madrigal themes into my own interpretation and then combine them at the end.Ê It is entirely Midi and does not use any audio from Marty's music.Ê Everything was rendered using cheap midi software (hence the poor quality). I still think the dramatic interpretation may entertain...but you guys can be the judges.Ê

Just as Halo wallpaper starts with Bungie-created artwork and presents the submitter's vision, this piece starts with Marty's Halo theme and 'Siege of Madrigal' piece, and presents SilverBrin's vision. We've upped it to Mythica.org - it's 5.3 mb. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:24:18 UTC) (permalink)


Shallow Throat?
The Psyjnir Complex claims to have a source on the inside - the inside of WHAT, we don't know - with some information about the future of the Halo franchise. Or maybe it's the local McDonald's franchise. I can never tell. Check 'em out anyway. (Louis Wu 16:59:44 UTC) (permalink)


Internet Woes
Sometimes, you just can't catch a break. Last month, HBO moved to new digs - bigger pipe, better server, yadda, yadda, yadda. This morning, I received a phone call - the owner of the colocation company that HOSTED that new server had skipped town, and the datacenter was threatening to cut power for non-payment of bills. The sad part is, I'd done my homework - these guys came relatively highly recommended. :( Someone has stepped in to clean up the mess - so HBO won't be going down permanently... but there WILL be a day's outage this weekend (timing unknown at this point) to move servers to another facility nearby. Our forum runs on a different machine (and a different pipe), and isn't going anywhere, so if, by some weird fluke, something happens to keep the site down for longer than we thought, information will be provided there. Apologies for the inconvenience. (Louis Wu 15:36:46 UTC) (permalink)


Gaming with your kids
Got a kid? Do you play Halo with them? Jon Sager does - and gets beat by his 6-year-old daughter. When you're done laughing, go read his column over at Gamespotting, for some pretty interesting observations about parenting and gaming (and how they relate). Thanks to Team Overkill for the link. (Louis Wu 02:09:17 UTC) (permalink)


The Competitive Systems Arena
Skavenger_s7 found a pretty interesting little device which will take the four panels of a split screen and send 'em out in different directions - no more cheating by looking at your buddy's screen in multiplayer! Mirrors and cardboard can bring fair competition back to your lan gatherings... (Louis Wu 02:04:06 UTC) (permalink)


New Press material from Xbox.com
Strato99| noticed some new Halo 2 material over at the Xbox.com press site - a couple of isolated shots of MC (that is, separated from any background), a nice version of the Halo 2 logo, and the four main screens with no watermarks on them. These aren't really hi-res or anything... but if you're building Halo 2 stuff for the web, they just might come in handy. (Louis Wu 01:59:38 UTC) (permalink)


More desk coverings
Take a day off, come back to a flood of submissions. We'll start with desktops - there are 5 new ones:

  • h2_wait.jpg, by Justin
  • halo2wal102.jpg, by Chome (3 flavors)
  • hippopaper.jpg, by Justin
  • MC.is.back.jpg, by Chromejr45
  • One.More.Time.jpg, by Dusty Patt

You'll find 'em all in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 01:44:13 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Bowling for MCs

Saturday's news in brief:

A more serious Halo 'mini-game'
Reminisance now in QT format
Can you believe the submission rate?
Eye candy

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
