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Halo news back Tuesday, August 6, 2002 Halo news forward

New Music Vid Available
HNN Productions has put up their second film - this one's called 'Halo-Pay Back' and is a 5.1 mb, 3 minute long .wmv file. It's a music vid - Halo campaign gameplay set to P.O.D.'s 'Boom'... but the timing's quite good. (Using Sarge as the lead vocal's pretty nice, too.) (Louis Wu 19:56:55 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 rumblings
GamerWeb Xbox claims to have 'inside information' that Halo 2 will be announced later this week, in New York. (Why New York? It's not the home of Microsoft, or Bungie, or much of anything else related to Halo - well, okay, it's the home of Freewill, Bungie's number 1 fan - hmm...) Thanks to PCDestroyer for the heads-up - but please, take it with a grain of salt. It ain't so till Bungie SAYS it's so. (Louis Wu 16:30:17 UTC) (permalink)


OXM UK articles scanned
Thanks to Griffon, who last month sent in scans from the July 2002 issue of the Official UK Xbox Magazine. There is a 10-page spread on Halo (lots of good info, and an interview with Jaime Griesemer, Halo 2's Lead Designer), and a short teaser on Halo 2. Check 'em out in our Press Scans section! (Louis Wu 14:57:49 UTC) (permalink)


Halo50K Opens its Doors
What is easily the most ambitious fan-run Halo Tournament to date kicks off its registration today. Halo50K.com (so named because they're shooting to award a top prize of $50,000 - yes, you read that right) is now live. Prizes will actually be based on the number of entering teams - but they'd really like to see 1000 people (250 teams of 4 people each) fighting for $50k and some cool schwag. This is NOT a scam - it's being set up by some long-time Halo community members, who just want to get as many people as possible playing Halo for cash as they can. Admission isn't cheap - it's $100/person, or $400/team - but that's where the cash to fund the prizes is coming from. If you and your team can make it to Atlanta, Georgia on November 9, then hurry over to Halo50K.com and join the fun! (Louis Wu 12:04:38 UTC) (permalink)


Movie News
Okay, we've had some mirror additions, and a new site coming online... That Weasel Television has added mirrors for the following movies:

  • Medium size Matrix (Halo Remix)
  • Halo-trigger happy
  • Warthog tv ad 1
  • Warthog tv ad 2
  • Ralph and Sam

We've also added Dan Chosich's Reminisance to the Mythica.org repository (which has served out over 250 GIGS of movies in the past 4 days...). Lastly, Shadow writes that he's put up a movie mirror site: Halo: Gundam. He states that it's a bare-bones listing (I might argue with that - it's a pretty attractive design, even if it WAS designed for something else), and that it has some potential problems (it's slow, it might get yanked)... but it's a nice last resort, if nothing else is working for you. (We're grateful for every byte!) (Louis Wu 00:50:59 UTC) (permalink)


Stories, stories, and more stories
Monday evening Fan Fiction:

Read, my pretties... (Louis Wu 00:34:47 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Registration ends soon...
MC on the Barbie
There oughtta be a law...
You gotta hear this...

Sunday's news in brief:

Late night reading

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
