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Halo news back Friday, July 26, 2002 Halo news forward

Halo reviews from GamePartisan
A pair of Halo reviews have surfaced - from GamePartisan.com. These were posted in mid-March, but we just got word of them today. (Thanks, Creamyears.) We've added them to our Reviews Database - 122 reviews, average score of 94.9%. Whoa! (Louis Wu 17:19:07 UTC) (permalink)


Up to our eyeballs...
Friday's Fiction Flood:

Today, we'd also like to point out a link to a fan fiction piece over at Zenith - Uriel's 'Beyond the Paradise'. Worth a read - and when it's finished, we'll get a copy too. (Louis Wu 16:03:44 UTC) (permalink)


Halo National Championship Roster passes 7000
Woohoo! 7000... who was it? (We got word that the 7000 mark was passed from Grail, of cWB - but he didn't say if he was the lucky contestant.) We'll just have to wait for word from Bungie... (Louis Wu 15:48:59 UTC) (permalink)


He shoulda stayed in bed...
Oh, the fun you can have with cutscenes... (Thanks, Warbow.) (Louis Wu 14:43:31 UTC) (permalink)


Pics from last week's fest
Subnova's Deimos™ has posted a set of pictures from MacWorld NY 2002, including a collection from the after-show Halofest. No labels, and some of the lighting is questionable... but you can get a sense for the space and people. One of these days, one of us will actually write it up, too! (Louis Wu 13:23:32 UTC) (permalink)


6000 Strong... and Growing
Bungie.net has been keeping track of the total number of registrants for the Halo National Championship... and tonight that number passed 6000. (Check the upper right-hand corner of their website for the current tally.) Will you be the 7,000th contestant? (Louis Wu 00:03:22 UTC) (permalink)


Aaal-righty, then!
Thirsty? (Thanks to Cap'n Keyes...) (Louis Wu 00:02:34 UTC) (permalink)


Who said she's just a Hologram?
Heh - for those who think there aren't any tricks left to find in Halo, think again. Lennox noticed an interesting interaction yesterday... and after the forum settled down and stopped calling him a liar, Warbow actually FILMED a variant. It was intriguing enough to get the attention of a Halo Dev team member... which means it's pretty likely that this behavior wasn't seen in the Bungie offices before now. Nice going, guys! (Louis Wu 00:01:57 UTC) (permalink)


Chaos II is Coming..
Wonga. Remember Chaos on the Ring? (Back when Warthog Jumping was relatively new, this flick pushed the limits.) Well, these guys are putting the finishing touches on Chaos II... and their website says it'll be ready by Saturday! The hitch? It's gonna be HUGE. (Like 400 megs huge, if I read their blurb right.) I'd be happy to talk to them about making it smaller... but in the meantime, we're gonna start collecting offers for mirrors. :) (Brian Towne says Mythica.org should be back up by tomorrow... we hope he's right. :) ) Every byte is gonna count! (Louis Wu 00:01:23 UTC) (permalink)


Designer Warthogs
Warbow has polished up two new Warthogs for your perusal - a Copper version, and a Winter Camo version. You can find both in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Personally, I'd LOVE one of those Camo models...) (Louis Wu 00:00:40 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Mid-week Fiction Harvest
Candy for your desktop
The Return of Halo Babies
More MS Musing
Another Online Halo Option
Halo Live?
I like Copper, too.

Wednesday's news in brief:

Phoenix Paper
The smashing of preconceived notions
Warthogs in the Wild

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
