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Halo news back Tuesday, May 14, 2002 Halo news forward

Halo Soundtrack announced on Xbox.com
Xbox.com has put up an announcement page for the Halo Soundtrack. There are three tracks listed... but they're the same tracks released a couple of months ago by Team Xbox (and later Xbox.com, on the Easter Egg page for the WinAmp skin). Still, it's nice to see the press coverage for what will undoubtedly be a killer release! (Louis Wu 20:05:41 UTC) (permalink)


Beware the JabberShade!
Jason Horwath managed to catch some bizarre Shade action on film recently... you can find the results in our Gameplay Tricks section. Removed at the author's request. (Louis Wu 19:42:12 UTC) (permalink)


Psyjnir Complex back online
The Psyjnir Complex is FINALLY back online - the crew has grown a bit, so poke around, you might find stuff worth hunting for. (Like an early draft of the Halo theme, in MIDI format... or something.) (Louis Wu 19:19:04 UTC) (permalink)


Marty O interview at Xbox.zone
Thomas Bottrill sends word that he's put up a new interview of Marty O'Donnell at Xbox.zone (the site is framed, so hit the 'Say Halo!' link, then the 'Marty O'Donnell Interview'). Some interesting stuff in there... though Marty's a bit more reticent than usual (check out the answers to the Halo 2 questions). A sample:

xbox.zone: What's with the Irish folk music? And why did it work so bloody well? Also what styles/types of music didn't make it into the game, and why?
Marty: Well I'm Irish so maybe that's where that feel came from. Actually, I never intended it to have an Irish folk music feel but I guess it is a little on the "River Dance" side of things. I just liked the groove when it came to me and started developing it. I have no idea why it works. As far as styles that didn't make it in, I'm sure you'll not be able to find any Hawaiian music in the game.

Me, I'm sorta missing the Hawaiian stuff now... This has been added to our Interviews database. (Louis Wu 18:44:55 UTC) (permalink)


Dust and Echoes... and echoes...
Tuesday Fan Fiction offerings - two eerily similar stories, at least at first:

The second story is the beginning of a complete rewrite - Nick (formerly known as GarlicJr11) was unhappy with the quality of the story, and chose to start anew. The original version has been removed, at his request. (Louis Wu 16:31:26 UTC) (permalink)


Official details of Japanese Halo Championship
To everyone who wrote in, suggesting the use of Babel Fish as a translator for the Japanese Halo Championship news from yesterday... thanks. I was really looking for something more accurate than "the hay low/row"... but you're all right, it's better than nothing. :) More to the point, there's now official information on the Xbox Japan site - take a look. Turns out those dogtags are more than just a tchotchke - they're your entrance pass to the contest. May 19, 25, and 26... coming up soon! (Louis Wu 14:39:44 UTC) (permalink)


Three fer the price of two!
Hot times for console buyers - as of yesterday, Sony has dropped the price of its PlayStation 2 console to $199 in the US, and the PS One to $49. Though they suggest that it's always been their plan to bring the PS2 to the sub-$200 pricepoint, the rumors of an Xbox price drop at E3 in a couple of weeks probably didn't hurt the timing any... Thanks to Gamers.com for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:23:18 UTC) (permalink)


Building the ring
Eep - a new image was submitted on Sunday - we nearly missed it. Germain Couët dropped off a pretty cool view of the Halo under construction. We've added it to our Miscellaneous Art section - it's a very different beast from the LAST visualization of this event... (Louis Wu 09:26:18 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Halo Soundtrack on sale in a month
Halo Championship details... in Japanese

Sunday's news in brief:

Images for your desktop
Font + pic = cover
bit o' fanfic
Not just for kids anymore
Gameplay Tips now searchable
Everything Counts, in Large Amounts

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
