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Halo news back Monday, May 6, 2002 Halo news forward

Xbox price drop imminent?
Reuters is reporting that a market analyst is predicting a $100 price cut on the Xbox to be announced as early as E3 (in less than 3 weeks). That should jump-start new sales... thanks to Dave Calotta for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:20:58 UTC) (permalink)


The Bungie Store opens for business
The Bungie Store is live. Start your buying. (Thanks, M.A.G...) (Louis Wu 20:07:39 UTC) (permalink)


Gameplay Tricks FAQ goes live
Even though there's a small disclaimer at the top of the Gameplay Tricks section, we still get base stuffing pics, and vehicle balancing pics, and demands for faster action on submissions... to attempt to answer some of this mail, we've put together the first attempt at a Gameplay Tricks FAQ - please take a minute or two and read it over before submitting tricks (or mailing us). Thanks! (Louis Wu 20:04:12 UTC) (permalink)


First movie mirrors come in
Mirror, mirror, on the net... We've gotten our first mirrors for this morning's movies - Dave Calotta has provided Hotline access to all four films (links can be found on all the mirror pages), and Masterchief (the creator of Hell Above Water) has provided another mirror for that film. We appreciate the help! (Louis Wu 19:45:15 UTC) (permalink)


Music4Games.net reviews Halo audio
DOH! I hate busy weekends... I miss stuff. :( Music4Games.net has published a special Audio Review of Halo - they gave it a 10/10. Go read it, and see why Halo is head-and-shoulders above the competition, aurally speaking. (Louis Wu 16:41:41 UTC) (permalink)


XBConnect v1.1 released
HUNTR-KILLR writes to let us know that XBConnect (one of the three options you have for playing Halo online right now, and by some accounts the least laggy) has a new release out, as of this weekend. Version 1.1 adds these features:

  1. Host can see players pings
  2. Players can see all players in game
  3. Language filter
  4. Full games show up in red
  5. Fixed bug in adapter list. Should help some people finding xbox
  6. Customizable sound events

Check it out at the XBConnect site, and download the latest version! (Louis Wu 15:56:59 UTC) (permalink)


Movies out the yin-yang
It's not even movie mania - it's movie insanity! Not 1... not 2... not 3... 4 non-trick movies have been released this weekend! We decided, rather than try to space them out, to simply dump them, whole hog, on the community. Here's the thing, though - only two of them have download locations that AREN'T mythica.org. We need mirror offers... and we need 'em fast! We're not expecting folks to mirror EVERYTHING - but if you can host one of these, please, send us mail. Without further ado... the offerings:

  • Hell Above Water - this came in late last week; it's a pretty simple movie, with clips all taken from the E3 2000 video (but cut differently), set to Curve's Hell Above Water. It's 6.7 mb, in zipped .wmv format. (There's no mirror list.)
  • 'A**hole' - this might just be the funniest Halo video ever made. A hilarious Denis Leary song has been brought to life with Halo footage - with a serious eye for detail. Available in .wmv format (two resolutions, 23 mb and 7 mb), and QT5 format (23 mb).
  • The Halo Boys Soundtrack - the next offering from Blackstar Productions, this takes Bungie's Demo Promo footage and puts it to great use - making fun of boy bands. 11 mb, in QT5 format. Two mirrors so far... with more coming, we hope.
  • 2070 - the third offering from Dan Chosich, this 5-minute long piece puts Halo gameplay to music... and does it very well. Nicely edited. 24.4 mb, .wmv format. There's apparently also a QuickTime 5 version, but we haven't found it yet.

Until more mirrors come in, we're gonna be pushing our luck with Brian Towne's mythica.org mirror site... so be gentle. If you're getting 5k/sec... kill the download, come back tomorrow. (Hopefully, by then we'll have more places for you to grab it from.) Wow - sometimes when it rains, it pours. (Louis Wu 02:30:41 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Weekend Wallpaper
Halo Orbit redesigned
Weekend FF

Saturday's news in brief:

Halo as art
Links, links...
Mirrors for new Halo 'ad'
Find the Guardians, win $100

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
