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Halo news back Tuesday, April 30, 2002 Halo news forward

Out of Afri- erm, Halo
A couple of escapades have been posted to the Gameplay Tricks section - some great out-of-map shots on Battle Creek (nobody's ever gotten out before) and Blood Gulch (a whole BUNCH of places never seen before)... check 'em out! (More stuff coming soon.) (Louis Wu 19:06:06 UTC) (permalink)


O'Donnell GDC talk available in French
Djoey 154 writes to say he's translated Marty O'Donnell's GDC talk into French - you can read it at Halo-Game. (Louis Wu 17:48:58 UTC) (permalink)


You gotta wonder, sometimes...
Your daily Fan Fiction batch:

Interesting mix, today... (Louis Wu 14:52:30 UTC) (permalink)


More pistol sketches for you
Last week, Trey Ikon submitted a series of pistol concept sketches - pretty cool stuff. Today, we're adding another series that he mentioned on our forum yesterday - you'll find 'em in our Miscellaneous Art section. That pistol/shotgun combo is getting prettier and prettier... (Louis Wu 12:39:34 UTC) (permalink)


Looks sort of familiar...
We get some pretty odd Wallpaper sometimes... (Louis Wu 12:39:08 UTC) (permalink)


MC gets a color job
An early greyscale concept drawing of the Master Chief has been colored by WeTsLaYeR - we've added it to our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 12:12:35 UTC) (permalink)


Ghost Jumping with SaTaN
A few weeks ago, SaTaN discovered a cool new trick - you could use the momentum of a vehicle to push your player up a LONG way. He described it on our forum, and then Bonk filmed a demo of the technique... but SaTaN's put out a video of his own, showing how versatile this trick really is (and showing some s7yle in the process). We've started you out with two mirrors for the 8.6 mb film... but we're happy to list more. (Louis Wu 09:36:55 UTC) (permalink)


Siege of Madrigal, revisited
Daniel, of Team 7hr33, points out that his sister Robyn (Dephalt) wrote (and recorded) a very nice addition to Marty O'Donnell's 'Siege of Madrigal', and the result is posted on Team 7hr33's website. (Sheet music is also included.) Go listen! (It's on the Miscellaneous page.) (Louis Wu 01:24:14 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

A reader's work is never done
Wallpaper to read by
Sidewalk art - now THAT'S fanaticism

Sunday's news in brief:

First Japanese Halo review - with tranlations

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