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Halo news back Monday, April 8, 2002 Halo news forward

Again, with the schmatte
Macgamer.com has put up an interview with Peter Tamte, of Destineer Studios... and while this shouldn't even need to be said, it does:

One thing which Mac Halo naysayers tend to focus on is, even though Bungie has stated repeatedly that Halo will come to Mac, Microsoft pulls the financial strings (suggesting that it's not for Bungie to say one way or another if a Mac version can or will get made). When you say that you "know this to be true" about Halo for Mac, is this because of Bungie's assertion of it or because Microsoft has been clear with you about it? Or something else?

Anybody who has asserted that Microsoft will prevent Halo from shipping on the Macintosh is not well informed. Making Halo available for Macintosh is a promise that was made by Ed Fries, the VP who manages all of Microsoft's games software, on stage with Steve Jobs at Macworld Expo.

This, of course, won't actually make a difference with the hardcore doubters... but hey, we don't have a copy of PC Halo to rub their noses in yet, so this'll have to do. Go read the rest of the interview - it's good to hear what Tamte's got going! (Louis Wu 18:32:29 UTC) (permalink)


Halo passes 1-million mark
Xbox.com reports that according to NPDFunworld (the folks who keep track of video game sales), Halo has sold over one million copies to date... and has become the fastest million-unit seller ever for any next-gen console. ('Next-gen console' means PS2, GameCube, Xbox.)

Statistically, this means that more than six copies of Halo: Combat Evolved have been sold every minute of every day since its launch on Nov. 15, 2001.

In the UK, 86 percent of all Xbox system purchasers bought Halo - whoa. The big question, though, is... how many of them get their Halo news here? (Louis Wu 16:42:25 UTC) (permalink)


Clarification, by a would-be CGW dictator
Jeff Green, who wrote an editorial at Gamers.com yesterday, predicting that PC Halo would be cancelled after all, stopped by our forum to clarify his position. Seems he DOES want to see Halo on a PC - he's just afraid that MS wants to milk the Xbox dollars as much as they can before allowing the PC users to get their hands on this one. (It's not an uncommon belief, actually, though Bungie would tell you that the current lack of a PC version stems more from... well, from it not being done than it does from any nefarious plot by Microsoft.) Here's hoping Mr. Green's pessimism is unfounded! (Louis Wu 04:06:05 UTC) (permalink)


Another killer Halo movie trailer
When Brian Josselyn, of Blackstar Productions, released 'Halo: The Movie', a 'trailer' of a ficticious Halo movie, Bungie employee Dave Candland asked, "Want a job at MS marketing? ;)" He was kidding... but Brian's most recent production, 'Halo: The Movie Teaser', shows it wasn't a fluke. If Bungie ever DOES make this movie, the advertising work is well underway. :) You can find this latest movie (1:34, 10.6 mb, QT5) at Brian's mac.com space, or at mythica.org (with perpetual thanks to Brian Towne). We'll set up a mirror page as soon as a few folks volunteer to help with this puppy (hint, hint). Check it out - you won't regret the download. ObSpoilerWarning: There are minor spoilers here, though nothing as strong as the first one. (Which we forgot to warn you of. Sorry...) Finally, Brian has also put together a newsletter to give people some more information about what he does - you can find it here. (Louis Wu 03:30:44 UTC) (permalink)


Swirly artwork
Purgatory has created some Master Chief artwork (both alone an as a poster) we've added all 5 variations to the Miscellaneous Art page. (Louis Wu 03:05:27 UTC) (permalink)


Read or go blind
A sizeable Fan Fiction collection for you tonight:

The collection grows... and grows... and grows... (Louis Wu 02:15:18 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

HalosHome comes online
Halo 'announcement' this week?

Saturday's news in brief:

Xbox AU revises review
Pretty pictures

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