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Halo news back Tuesday, March 12, 2002 Halo news forward

Watch those panty liners...
The Fan Fiction deluge continues... Roger Lin sends in Chapter 2 of his Resistivity saga, entitled The Perils of Reentry. Check it out in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 23:15:00 UTC) (permalink)


A-one, and a-two, and a-three...
Robo has dropped off a fun little One-Shot for your enjoyment... it's not often you see this particular alignment. (Don't look if you're unspoiled...) (Louis Wu 22:50:39 UTC) (permalink)


Hunter Gatherer
Divender, of AreaHalo, has uploaded one of his desktop images. It's a little small... but it's pretty cool. Check it out in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 22:40:51 UTC) (permalink)


Funky Halo pic in London Sunday Times
On page 49 of this week's London Sunday Times is an article on gaming consoles - and the picture they chose to use was the Master Chief... wielding a flamethrower! Rather odd, given that it's been known that the flamethrower was pulled in development over 4 months ago... If there are any UK Halo fans who have access to the Sunday Times, a scan of this article would be much appreciated. (Thanks to Hamish Sinclair, stuck in low-tech no-scanner-land, for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 22:09:11 UTC) (permalink)


XGamer Halo review up at Games Radar UK
A new magazine called Xgamer went onsale in the UK last month, and the first issue contained a 12-page Halo spread. (We'll be posting scans, courtesy of Ghôlsbane, later this week, when issue 2 hits the stands.) In the meantime, though, Games Radar UK has put up a chunk of the text of the spread - most of the actual review part is there. You can read the review now (they gave it a 9/10), and check out the added details later, when the scans go up. (We've added this one to our Reviews database, and put the 11 screens into our Screenshots database.) Thanks to Ghôlsbane for the heads-up on the online review, as well! (Louis Wu 18:54:07 UTC) (permalink)


AreaHalo opens its doors
Divender writes to let us know that AreaHalo, a new German Halo site, has come online. Nice design (not NS4-friendly, but then, what is?), some GREAT wallpaper, high-quality content. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 18:15:52 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox Au reviews Halo
Ran across another Halo review - this one from Xbox Au. They thought it was somewhat derivative... but that didn't stop them from rating it a 9.4/10. We've added it to our Reviews database. (Louis Wu 16:52:43 UTC) (permalink)


Maw 700 Update - Contest 2 defined!
A reminder - The deadline for the first half of the Maw 700 Contest is this Friday night, at midnight UTC. Three more days to get those entries in! And by now you should be thinking seriously about submissions for the SECOND half of the contest - the movie submission. Rules, suggestions, and prizes can be found on the Maw 700 info page. (Thanks once again to poena.dare #CP#g, who has done most of the work on this baby.) (Louis Wu 16:40:21 UTC) (permalink)


The Truth comes out
Fast and Furious, that's what we call the Fan Fiction section around here. Shadow has dropped off another chapter of the Renegade Marines saga - you can read Chapter 4 by itself, or you can read the entire series. Don't forget to leave some feedback! (Louis Wu 15:17:44 UTC) (permalink)


FTP uploads work again
Took longer than I expected, but our FTP Uploads folder is back up and running again. We're happy to take submissions there. (The only real change - the directory is no longer world-readable. It's a dropbox only... so be sure you let us know there's something in there!) (Louis Wu 15:05:40 UTC) (permalink)


VoS JeUx reviews Halo
Another new Halo review - this time, it's the French site VoS JeUx. They loved it. They didn't get a chance to play multiplayer... but the single player blew 'em away. You'll find it in our Reviews database, as well. Thanks to Cyberpro54@aol.com for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 12:50:00 UTC) (permalink)


Stuttgart's in trouble
The Master Chief and Cortana... back on Earth. Jehkoh drops off a new fanfic entitled 'Order of the Seraphim', which looks at battle on Earth, post-halo. You'll find it in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 12:22:07 UTC) (permalink)


Manatee Bound reviews Halo
Manatee Bound has reviewed Halo - they saw the limited weapons-carrying ability and the limited enemy assortment as the biggest flaws. Final rating was 8.75/10 - we've added the review to our Reviews database. (Louis Wu 11:33:26 UTC) (permalink)


Psyjnir Complex isn't dead yet
Psyrixx dropped us a note to let us know that they're working hard on bringing the Psyjnir Complex back online. In the meantime, he's redrawing the comic series he started before the server melted - with more detail than the first time. Check back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a new comic - until the site's online, they're not going to be archived, so if you miss 'em, you miss 'em. (Louis Wu 06:34:25 UTC) (permalink)


Punctuation is for sissies
A couple of Fan Fiction submissions for you - both nearly free of punctuation. Luckily, one's a poem. You'll find Jaywhit10's The Hell of War and Jehkoh's Untitled Poem in the Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 06:22:27 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Theme, on your Nokia phone
Got a Nokia cell phone? Want to make it ring with the Halo theme? Rage Reset has posted the codes necessary in Nokia Ring Tone Composer format on our forum... and it's got Marty's OK (though nobody checked with Microsoft, so be sure you don't go to Redmond and get calls with this thing...). The lengths some people go to... (Louis Wu 03:02:05 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Bizarre pics from bizarre players
Thumb Bandits fingers Halo
Fanfest action, webcam-style
More FF than you can shake a shotgun at
She's goin' down!

Sunday's news in brief:

Halo Lan Parties mentioned in ET
New Fan Fiction rules
Warthog Balancing at iBonk
Halo contest at the Cole Protocol
BarrysWorld reviews Halo
HBO Weekly Review grows nicely

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
