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Halo news back Thursday, March 7, 2002 Halo news forward

The Hippo Egg finally has a home
Some may wonder why the largest hunt since the Glyph puzzle went uncommented-on by the maintainer of this site... chalk it up to vacation. :( Two weeks ago, our forum was inundated with wild speculation about hippos, and their potential representations in various parts of Halo. Finally, on February 21, Frogblast found a REAL hippo - drawn in loving detail on the outside of the shotgun shell. Matt Soell, the instigator of the Hippo search, was kind enough to send along (first to Battleground: Halo, and then to us) a hi-res version of the shell artwork - we've added it to the Easter Eggs page, for posterity. Congratulations to Frogblast... and a happy hippo hello to Matt, whose obsession was so enthusiastically picked up by the HBO Forum denizens. (Louis Wu 21:39:08 UTC) (permalink)


Haloplayers moves
Whoa - bizarreness. Haloplayers has lost the haloplayers.com domain, and can now be reached at www.haloplayers.net. They're working on a complete site redesign, in anticipation of the release of the PC version of the game, and plan to support all the extras (squad hosting, email, etc) they supported in the past. In the meantime, their messageboard is still up and running. Drop by and commiserate on the loss! (Louis Wu 20:35:19 UTC) (permalink)


A new challenge
Regarding the new images posted at Tru7h and Reconciliation yesterday - Dave Candland has thrown down the gauntlet, with respect to this picture:

Regarding scrn_084.jpg, you're going to have to scrutinize very closely to find this one. The hippo was all over the place. This image can only be found in one location. I'll be surprised if this is discovered by Easter.

Will it be you that finds it? Where will you look? The race is on! (Louis Wu 18:38:23 UTC) (permalink)


Maw Antics
Three new entries for the Frogblast Tricks page... erm, the Gameplay Tricks page - all three are on the Maw. See how far you can push Halo - where can you go? This is some amazing stuff... (Louis Wu 17:01:18 UTC) (permalink)


Stuck behind the Warthog
Bonk sent in another One-Shot - this time, it wasn't even him. Some hunters came along and stacked up a pair of marines, one on top of another, on Silent Cartographer... there they were, just minding their own business, and the big bully Hunter decided one would look better standing on the other's head. The question is... can you make THREE of 'em stacked? (Louis Wu 01:55:30 UTC) (permalink)


We have failed the Gods
More poetry, as Skyryan1 sends in The Motherworld for our Fan Fiction collection. Sadness from a Covenant viewpoint... (Louis Wu 01:39:34 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Truth and Recon updated - cool stuff
All your base... belong to Shade
Interviews Database goes live
More Misc Art for your Perusal

Tuesday's news in brief:

The Pencils Have It
Halo Movie speculation surfaces again
The Master Chief, outlined
Potential Spoilers

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