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Halo news back Saturday, March 2, 2002 Halo news forward

J. Allard - buy an Xbox for Halo
fAt1, from MPZ Halo, drops us a note about the latest issue of Edge Magazine (issue 108). There's an interview with J. Allard, Xbox General Manager, and one of the questions had an amusing answer:

Edge: What would you say to the PS2 being better value for money, considering that once you've bought a couple of Xbox games, some extras and a DVD controller the Xbox almost doubles in price?

Allard: Halo.

Sounds about right to us... (fAt1 points out that the high cost of the Xbox in the UK (£350-450, depending on what you buy with it, or $500-650 US) might lead to some embarrassment in the MS camp come the 14th... we'll have to wait and see.) (Louis Wu 16:55:19 UTC) (permalink)


That'sa lotta writin'!
Whew - the Fan Fiction is coming in fast and furious. Another chapter each from Velker, Shadow, and Gasmask... check 'em all out on the Fan Fiction page! (Louis Wu 16:48:43 UTC) (permalink)


Hey, that gives me an idea...
Bonk submits a fun pic showing what happens when you TRY and exploit Halo bugs (as opposed to stumbling across them accidentally). You'll find it in our One-Shots collection. (The spoiler warning is incidental - the pic itself isn't a spoiler, but investigating the stuff behind it might be.) (Louis Wu 11:04:40 UTC) (permalink)


That's not blood, it's dirt
Gameplay weirdness: NthDegree256 was playing through the Maw, and when he blasted the engine vents, he saw what looked like a huge gout of red blood bursting from the opening. Ferrex stepped in to explain what was happening:

This is a "feature" that was discovered a little too late to be documented. What you're actually seeing isn't blood... it's dirt. Red dirt. That particular effect does some sort of sampling of the texture color at the point where it originates from... that way, you get yellow sand spray when it hits sand, or brown dirt when it hits dirt.

In this case, the vent cores are cherry red from the heat. Those cherry red surfaces are probably (I haven't checked this) of material type "dirt", the default material type. The net result is that, when a grenade or rocket detonates against one of those surfaces, you get a horrifying geyser of blood colored dirt.

I haven't seen this personally yet, but apparently, it's dependent on where you hit the vent. However, it's very nice to have an explanation... I'm sure it'll come up again! (Louis Wu 10:49:27 UTC) (permalink)


Another Halo site gets an update
Mad Dog lets us know that his Halo site has been updated. It's pretty bare-bones, but if you want some Halo gameplay tips with a healthy dose of attitude on the side, you should check it out. (Louis Wu 10:42:03 UTC) (permalink)


E3 Fanfest Registration open
Registration for Bungie's E3 Seventh Column Tournament is now closed - but registration for the Fanfest itself is open. If you're interested in going, read this news post, then fill out this form. Spots are limited, so sign up now! (And if you're looking for practice partners, check out the Seventh Column's week in review - there are some new up-and-coming chapters listed there, you might find someone local!) (Louis Wu 10:35:30 UTC) (permalink)


Halo icons galore
More icons for everyone! Liquidex has redone his as a WIndows icon file - you can grab it here. For those among you for which .ico files are very hard to use (you can count me in that group), the .gif version at the start of this post is the same image. Also, Djoey.154 created a whole series of .ico files (which I've also converted to something a bit more web-friendly) - you can see all of them here. (Louis Wu 00:29:52 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

FanFic pours in
iBonk is back
Halo wins AIAS GotY IAA
Free Halo Tournaments
Wanna play Halo at E3?
XBM reviews Halo
Master Chief Icons for you
Large influx of fan fiction
26 light years and no time to sleep
Halo Comic at Truth and Recon
Start your engines...

Thursday's news in brief:

Halo a no-show at IGF
More Death in Space
What people won't think of...
I don't think Bo ever killed anyone...
Halo in Japanese
3 new (near-perfect) Halo reviews
EGM votes Halo GoTY
Matt would be proud
It doesn't LOOK like a bird...
Story page reawakens?

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
