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May 16, 2004 Link to this post

The Enkidu Terminals have drawn to a close; I'm sorry I wasn't there at the end to watch the fireworks. (I'm also REALLY sorry that a careless oversight on my part, coupled with the necessities of remote administration, allowed folks to see stuff they weren't supposed to see a day or so early. Totally my fault.) The Man Behind The Curtain has written both an afterword and a forum post to put your feedback in - feel free to jump in and let him know how you feel. I, for one, am thrilled that a piece of fan fiction could inspire so much thought and excitement on our forum and others. To the folks who are angry or annoyed that this didn't come from Bungie - you have nobody to blame but yourselves. NOBODY said this was official - in fact, I said almost nothing at all about it. You were free to infer what you liked. I was really, really happy to see all the posts that said 'even if this ISN'T from Bungie, I'm glad it happened - it was fun.' (That was the point.) Congrats to Steve for pulling off a masterful work - and congrats to the entire community for showing the sort of enthusiasm that sets Bungie fans apart from other gamers! (Louis Wu 21:43:26 UTC)

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