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May 11, 2004 Link to this post

Videos to fill your hard drive
The saturation coverage continues; Gamespot has a 235 mb version of the Halo 2 demo from the Press Conference available for Gamespot Complete members. (They've also put up their own 'Impressions' article.) IGN has put up a 340 mb WMV raw feed of the entire conference itself (minus a 5 minute parody show that MS wouldn't let them film) for Insiders. IGN's Halo 2 media page contains 5 new short movies - low-res WMV versions for the masses, hi-res QuickTime for Insiders. I'm sure there'll be more - but this is a reasonable start. (Remember, ALL of this stuff is shakeycam footage. Some of it is very GOOD shakeycam footage - but it's not direct feed. That won't come until later.) (Louis Wu 09:02:46 UTC)

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