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May 6, 2004 Link to this post

Getting new data into HCE - a summary
One of the big 'gotcha's so far with the HEK is the lack of ability, out of the box, to export new data from 3ds max into a format that the HEK tools can read. The HEK comes with a version of the Blitzkrieg exporter (the file that does the translation work) that works with 3ds max v5.x. Yesterday, Gearbox released exporters for 3ds max 3 and 4; you can find these at Cortana.org on either the Quick Downloads page or the Tool File Downloads page. However, there are still two groups left out; those using the newest 3ds max 6 (Gearbox has said they're willing to consider creating a plugin if the demand is high enough, and a thread has been started on the Gearbox forums to provide evidence of this demand), and those without the cash to buy a copy of 3ds max at all. Last year, Gearbox said they'd do their best to create an exporter for gmax, discreet's free 3ds max-derived creation tool, but there's been no word of that recently. However, all is not lost; Xzzy, a longtime Bungie fan and a prominent creator of HaloPC tools, posted a note last night that suggested that he's not too far from creating the plugin himself. (He's out of town for the next week, so it won't happen right away, but he sounds pretty optimistic about the possibilities.) In the meantime, baldactor, a mod on the Gearbox forums, has posted a thread with info on how to get hold of a 30 day trial of 3ds max 5, for those who WANT Max, don't already have it, and can't find anything but 6 right now. Whew! Does that sum up the mess at this point? Update: I missed this thread; Scott Velasquez of Gearbox says he'll be 'looking into adding 3DSMax 6 support in the near future...' Good news! (Louis Wu 09:53:43 UTC)

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