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May 5, 2004 Link to this post

HEK Tutorial - available for all
We received word today from Marc Tardif of Gearbox Software about the ability to distribute the HEK Tutorial. Some European sites were asking whether they were translatable, and others wanted to know whether the color scheme of the pages could be altered. (White on black can be hard on some eyes.) The answer to all of these questions is yes:

The more people who get it the better. I think getting it translated is an excellent idea. My hope is that this document will become a base for more user-created tutorials.

I haven't removed the frames yet - but I DID whip up an HBO-themed version (minor image changes and a new style sheet) - you can see it here. For any sites interested in using the cleaned-up html as a base for translation - you can grab it here, in zipped format; drop in the two image folders, and you're good to go. (The tutorial is included with the HEK download, so if you grabbed that, you already have these folders. If you need them as a separate download, drop us a note; we'll see if we can find the bandwidth for it.) And if you DO write a new tutorial that folks might find useful, send it along; we'll probably host it for you! (Louis Wu 22:53:05 UTC)

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