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March 9, 2003 Link to this post

The Case of the Missing Screenshots
I'm fallin' out of my seat, laughin'. We got a note from ed, asking us if we knew anything about the new Halo 2 shots showing at Giga.de, a german TV affiliate of NBC-Europe. In ed's words,

Giga is a well-known show about all sorts of internet-themes, and I don't think they would lie, but I wonder if these pics are real, because they have no Bungie-logo on them, and they are still not shown at BungieÇs T&R-site.

To see the pics, follow this link, then hit the 'Shots'N'Pics' link underneath the action figure picture. Alternatively, here's the frame in question. When you're all done, follow this link, posted on our news last week, and if you want, you can even follow the internal links from there for the original source. When you're all done with that, sit back, laugh, and then send Roger Wilco some email, telling him just how cool his work really is. (ed, you were right to be suspicious... but if you ask me, those are good enough to be in the game anyway.) (Louis Wu 01:46:13 UTC)

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