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August 31, 2010 Link to this post

Hidden Fan Goodness
GrimBrother One sent along a summary of the posts from our forum that had been overlooked by front-page posters (well, by CYBR and I) in the last week or so - sort of a mini-solution-by-crowdsourcing! Thanks, Grim. I left a couple of things out for various reasons - but here are the rest (these are all before Sunday).

  • Xbox360Achievements.org got a chance to play Tip of the Spear at Gamescom - they wrote up their impressions last week. (Do we have to tell you that you can't describe a campaign mission without SOME spoilers?) Grim noticed.
  • SPU7N1K is looking to win a contest in Singapore and meet some Bungie employees - his entry (showing off his Halo collection) is pretty fun!
  • Grim asked the Waypoint guys a while back if they had any large (printable) versions of the image they used for a "box art" shot of the service. (No, Waypoint doesn't come in a box.) GLYPH looked around - but was unable to provide one. However, when he learned of the need, newguy2445 stepped up and created a pair of images - you can pick the one you like the best. Fantastic!

I'm going to go through the forum for the last couple of days and see if there's more. (Louis Wu 18:04:13 UTC)

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