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May 17, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Screenshot Extractor
HaLo2FrEeEk has written an app to extract Halo Reach screenshots from your Xbox hard drive. Why would you need this? Well... because Reach has changed how screenshots are uploaded to Bungie.net; in the past, they're uploaded as you take them, but in Reach, they're uploaded when you exit the film. If you take less than 30 (the number of slots in your 'Recent Screenshots' block on B.net), this is a huge convenience - they all get uploaded at once. If, however, you take MORE than 30, you're stuck uploading them manually - a much more time-consuming prospect. So - if you're a little bit technically inclined, and have a PC to run the app on, you can use this program to facilitate the building of that massive panorama you're creating. (Louis Wu 12:50:20 UTC)

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