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June 25, 2008 Link to this post Gavino and Dan's Halo 3 Compilation Yesterday, Gavino, a well-known fixture in the Red vs Blue community, posted a Halo Compilation. (Most of us call those things 'montages' - but hey, he's a brit.) Now, normally, I wouldn't even mention stuff that's posted in RvB journals, because they're not visible without an account... but this vid is pretty fun, so we put up local copies (QuickTime | WMP9 - each about 50 mb) if you don't have an account. (If you do, you can watch it streaming, and you can comment.) Fun gameplay (plenty of betrayals), fun music, nice editing. Go enjoy! Update: RvB's web guy, Ben, let me know that I'm behind the times - you can, indeed, read Gavino's post and watch his streaming vid there, if you choose. (You can't comment without logging in - but I can now link directly to content within the site! w00t!) (Louis Wu 16:33:46 UTC)