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September 26, 2007 Link to this post

More News Than You Can Shake a Stick At
News roundup:

  • The New York Times wrote a pretty long article about Halo 3 - not a lot new in it, but significant for the column space in a paper like the Times (thanks, Usul)
  • TalkXBOX wrote up 10 Reasons they're Pumped for Halo 3 - thanks, Rishi Modha
  • ESPN (really? ESPN?) checks out what makes Halo 3 special - thanks, revan09
  • Master Chief rang the final bell at NASDAQ yesterday - Major Nelson has pics, Xbox Scene has a story (thanks, RVideo)
  • You can buy a pretty nice Brute Spiker replica on eBay (auction ends in less than 4 days) - current bid is $250 (thanks, Dualist)
  • TeamXbox posted all 300 pictures distributed to journalists by Bungie a couple of weeks ago - I'm sure they're elsewhere, too, but most folks put up representative samples. These are scaled to 1000 pixels wide.
  • Roger Travis has talked about the epic nature of the Halo story before (we mentioned him in May) - he's back, with an update for Halo 3
  • Heather Newman of the Detroit Free Press gets a reader to help with Halo 3 review (they completed the whole campaign in 4 hours with 2-player coop; they must have been playing easy or normal)
  • Data Mining looks at Halo mentions in the blogosphere compared with Resident Evil (the top video game release from last week), the Bourne Ultimatum (one of the largest movies of the summer)... and the iPhone.
  • Drost, of 2Old2Play, posted a full Halo 3 review a couple of days ago - he says "it's the most fun I've ever had playing a game."
  • Entertainment Weekly reviewed Halo - both reviewers gave it an A
  • Techtree.com (in India) previewed Halo 3 - and liked it
  • Apparently, Walmart in Canada plans to sell Halo 3 at price parity with the US, which will make the game cheaper at that store than at most stores in Canada (their price for the standard edition is $59.83 - about CDN$10 below everyone else)
  • MTV wrote up an interesting piece on Saved Films - check out how a cool screenshot came to be
  • A Guardian Unlimited blog discusses how many cliches were hit in the Halo 3 coverage
  • Joystiq is giving away some amazing stuff - go visit and see if you can win (thanks, Engadget)
  • Business Week wrote a really nice piece on the social aspect of Halo 3, and where it might be leading us (obDisclosure: I have a quote in this one)

Good lord, that's a ridiculous list. Unfortunately, that didn't even clear out the queue; there's more coming. I'm not sure if I can get to it right away. (Louis Wu 20:46:10 UTC)

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