August 21, 2007 Link to this post kill.switch A war-crazed maniac captures Bishop, a supersoldier. He implants a neurolink in his head that gives control of his body to a third party. Archer (the war-crazed maniac) aims to create wars in every country he can, then sell the supersoldier technology to each country to make billions of dollars. But when an old friend hacks into the neurolink things dont go as planned for Archer. This video is 26 minutes long. You can grab it in WMP9 format (168 mb) or QuickTime format (161 mb) - if you have trouble with the download, let us know and I'll spread the load over more servers. Update: trigger119 has mirrored the WMP9, and self-encoded a QuickTime version using H.264, over at GamingTV. Grab 'em there if you have trouble with our links. (Louis Wu 22:30:21 UTC) |