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July 1, 2000 Link to this post

Xbox technology-head speaks!
Xbox technology-head, Seamus Blackley, discusses console hard drives and why developers are having an Xbox love affair in an IGN Xbox interview. Here's a snippet:

IGN Xbox: Did you have the same problem convincing developers of themerits of the Xbox that you did convincing the general public?

SB: No, I think that the main problem with consumers is that, to date, we have been primarily talking with developers. And the problem is talking to consumers and saying 'because the platform is so great for developers, and because they like the platform so much, you're going to see better games, and therefore you're going to be happy.' And that's kind of an awkward message to get out. Our decision all along has been to let the games speak for themselves, so as you start seeing games coming out, and we start to announce developers, and you start to see samples, that's when we're going to start talking to gamers, and talking to consumers about what it's going to be like. One of the things that we're very shy to do is over-hype Xbox at all. We have a very strict policy of under-promising and over-delivering, so we're not going to talk about how great it's going to be until we have something to show you.

(Crux Fidelis 14:55:33 UTC)

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