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April 17, 2006 Link to this post

Contest Candidate Cornucopia
Just a quick note - the submission deadline for the 7 on the 7th contest has come and gone; it's all over but the judging. We received more than 250 submissions for this contest - there are a LOT of you who want a shot at a free signed soundtrack! What's probably going to happen is that we'll pare down the submissions to a reasonable number, and then let the public vote on the final choices; the only thing I wanted to make clear is that it might take us a little longer than we'd originally estimated to get this all ready. (I'm out of town right now, so I don't have access to all of my normal tools.) We ask that everyone stays patient; we're not talking weeks of delay here, just a few days. When we know more, we'll pass it along! (Louis Wu 04:56:58 UTC)

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