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January 2, 2006 Link to this post

Things that aren't news
I'm not sure what's going on, but in the past week or two, we've gotten a whole bunch of requests to publicize threads on the Bungie.net forums - and the only thing these threads have in common is that they're complaining about certain features of Halo 2, and they're asking Bungie to 'fix' the problem(s). Our official policy on this sort of thing: we don't link to those threads. No, it's not because we're suckups and want to make sure Bungie doesn't get mad at us - it's because there's absolutely no value to be gotten by publicizing them. Bungie is very aware of most, if not all, of the complaints people are making, and quite a bit of thought has gone into deciding what problems to solve, and what problems can be left alone. (Remember - a large number of these 'problems' aren't problems at all - they're features of the game that some people don't like. Other people, however, like them a lot.) I'd be very surprised if there were another patch for Halo 2 - but if there is another patch, it won't be because we posted a link to a bungie.net forum thread on our front page. So please - stop sending these requests, because we can't honor them. Thanks. (Louis Wu 18:50:59 UTC)

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