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September 22, 2004 Link to this post

Link Administrivia
We continue to get a significant number of new links being submitted to our Links page (there are 7 added to the database in the past week) - but sometimes submissions make me wonder. Today, I rejected one from a site that stated, on the nearly-blank front page, that access is restricted to members of its clan. Why would you submit a link to a public links database if nobody except your clan members are allowed to even go there? (Presumably, your clanmembers already KNOW where the page is.) I'm not trying to get on anyone's case... but we're going to continue to reject links to sites that have no Halo content, or whose Halo content is impossible to find, or sites whose access to Halo content is restricted to a tiny subset of the public. Sorry about that. On the bright side, I'm hoping we'll be breaking out Clan links into xbox, pc, mac, halo2-only, and general at some point in the not-too-distant future. (Louis Wu 13:19:40 UTC)

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