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September 14, 2004 Link to this post No Bots in Halo 2 - Confirmed Gamespy has added another 3 pages to their Halo 2 Reader Feedback Followup #2 (whew! Get that?). There's some solid (if not always entirely welcome) info in there from Frankie; Halo 2 will not have bot support, and there will be no low-gravity levels in the game. There's more - go read it for yourself. Thanks, Mr. Mongoose. Update: Nitpicker and HSP Factchecker Finn points out that Frankie specifies multiplayer levels in his response; there's nothing, so far, that definitively rules out low-gravity environments in campaign mode. (We're not saying it's there - we're simply pointing out that it hasn't been ruled out yet.) (Louis Wu 13:00:19 UTC)