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August 18, 2004 Link to this post

Yet again - Leak Policy at HBO
To the folks sending us links to the Halo 2 screenshots currently making their way around the net: these are leaked shots, not meant to be shown to the public yet. We understand that it's really, really hard to put the genie back in the bottle... but (as has always been the case here) we're going to respect the wishes of the property owners on this one; we will show no picture before its time. (Those of you who remember Orson Welles, raise your hands.) We will not be posting the pictures, or links to the pictures, until they're SUPPOSED to be out, and we will be removing links we find in our forum. We're not trying to make your life miserable, or kill your buzz - Bungie didn't want these images out in the public yet, so we're respecting that. If you really MUST see them, they're out there - just don't ask us where. Thanks! (Louis Wu 11:54:23 UTC)

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