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This is that place where everything that doesn't go somewhere else goes. New to Halo, and wondering what this site talked about for 3 years? Browse around. Wondering where to find that cool Halo font, or where the link to the Halo Updates disappeared to, or wondering about what's been written about Halo in languages other than English? This is the place! Kick up your feet, browse around a bit...

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Fan Creations

Stuff created by you, the fans. Models, Winamp skins, descriptions of insane feats... whatever. If it's in here, a fan made it.
113 Results Found.
Resource Date Description
Halo GetRight Skin 22 Apr 00 A skin for the FTP program GetRight, by Al Benkowics. Requires version 4.2 or higher.
Halo-themed SETI@home client 5 May 01 arcarsenal's modification to the SETI@home client, with a Halo-esque theme to it.
Halo AR Counter-Strike model 31 Oct 01 A model of the Halo assault rifle, created for use as a weapon mod for Counter-Strike. Modeled by strykerwolf.
Halo WinAmp Skins 9 Dec 01 A selection of ten different Halo-oriented skins for audio player WinAmp. Created by Christian Bender.
Halo Starcraft Maps 26 Mar 02 A collection of several fan-made Starcraft maps, based off single-player and multiplayer Halo levels. Contains links to the downloadable maps as well as in-game screenshots.
Halo Map Designs 11 Apr 02 Some images depicting a few concept designs for possible multiplayer maps for Halo. None of these exist; but someday, if Halo ever allows map creation, they might. Made in AutoCAD by This Side Up.
Halo Movie Script 17 Apr 02 The beginnings of the script to a feature film based on Halo. (Note: this is entirely fictional. There is no film - the script is only an intellectual exercise.) Penned by Kellen Squire
Halo Windows Theme 19 Apr 02 An installable Halo Theme for users of Windows 98, Windows 95, or Windows ME. Facilitated by Doomsdeath.
Halo Figurines 22 Apr 02 Some small Halo "action figures," made from kludges of plastic and paint. Sculpted by Team Overkill.
Halo 64 26 May 02 A parody song called "Halo 64", utilizing Halo-related lyrics set to the Beatles' "When I'm Sixty-Four".
Roger Wilco's Weapons Suggestions 27 May 02 Some interesting vehicle and weapons concepts put forth by forum regular Roger Wilco.
Halo Font 31 May 02 A usable version of the until-now nonexistent "Halo font" - the font used in the Halo logo. Though there's still no official version, Will Turnbow took the time to create a mock-up of his own. Available in TrueType format, for Mac or PC. Also available as a Type 1 Postscript font.
Lego Warthog 1 Jun 02 A new and devious creation, David Karl has built a Halo Warthog out of... Lego blocks. Picture gallery and description included.
Highspeed Highway Halo 8 Jun 02 These be the chronicles of the slightly insane fans called NsomniA, who here show that yes, it is possible to hold a Halo LAN between two cars at 70mph on a freeway.
5-Hour Fragfest Relics 15 Jun 02 Page containing a morsel Halo video created by David Driggs, gleaned from several hours of Halo LAN tournament action. Fairly small, in .mov format, and slightly Myth-themed. Also here are pictures of some "trophies" that David created for the tournament.
Halo Mini-game 16 Jun 02 A small, Mario-esque game with a Halo theme. PC only. Created by Paul.
Now For Something Completely Different Flash Movie 19 Jun 02 A fan-made movie, done entirely in Flash in a comical fashion. A small nod to Monty Python. Created by PanZer.
Halo System Model 21 Jun 02 A small movie created by forum regular Roger Wilco, detailing a possible perspective on the system Halo lives in...
Master Chief skin for Tribes 2 21 Jun 02 CENOBITE built this skin in three sizes for use with Tribes 2. The 'Light' size looks most like the Halo Master Chief.
Model of the Keyes Loop 15 Jul 02 NthDegree256 created a small divX-encoded .avi (also available in .mov format) showing what the Keyes Loop, a spectacular military manouver described in 'The Fall of Reach' might have looked like.
Halo, Reproduced (a little) 16 Jul 02 strykerwolf modeled the beginning of 'Halo' with Animation Master 8.5. There's a small divX-encoded .avi (also available in .mov format) showing it off...
Grunt Grape Drink 25 Jul 02 Cap'n Keyes created a little image showing a thirst-quencher we'd all like to see.
Porntana 30 Jul 02 A half-meg audio file that... no, I refuse to explain it. Listen to it, or don't. Team Overkill is responsible.
Comprehensive Halo Theme package 1 Aug 02 St. Joan put together 5 separate Halo themes, complete with wallpaper, icons, cursors, and sounds. The whole kaboodle is 9 megs.
Another Halo mini-game 6 Aug 02 Lion and Drew built this mini-game - PC-only, 733k. Click on grunts and elites for points - stay away from the Master Chiefs.
Yet another Halo mini-game 9 Aug 02 This one was built by tino - and it's got multiple levels, and a multiplayer mode. 9 mb - considerably heftier than previous offerings.
Morphing Master Chiefs 12 Aug 02 A pair of animations - Halo 1 MCs morphing into Halo 2 MCs. Locally available in .mov format, links include remote .mpg versions as well.
Space Invaders-type Halo mini-game 12 Aug 02 Yet ANOTHER mini-game, this one just under 2 megs, and quite similar to Space Invaders (albeit with Halo graphics).
Marines 13 Aug 02 A cool 1 mb Flash 'music video', done by Vinny Mac.
Warbow's Halo Cursors 14 Aug 02 Windows (any flavor) cursors - spinning warthogs, etc. Can be previewed here.
Halo 2 Multiplayer Mockup 8 Sep 02 Tweaked by Warbow, for some reason never added to the Miscellaneous Art section.
Halo 2 Bumpmapping by BOLL 15 Sep 02 A small Flash animation showing the effects of bumpmapping using some scans from the September 2002 issue of Edge magazine.
Anasplatyrhynchosplatica 24 Sep 02 A pretty cool find in the archives of the UNSC Intelligence Corps... again, something that SHOULD have made the Miscellaneous Art section at some point, but never did.
Master Chief 2 x-ray 28 Sep 02 A amazingly slick little Flash toy showing you EXACTLY how bumpmapping will affect your life. Easy to kill 5 minutes without noticing.
Be the Master Chief 23 Oct 02 Another cool Flash creation from BOLL - this one will use your attached webcam to put your own face behind the Master Chief's visor. Three pose options.
Master Chief Halloween costume 31 Oct 02 Warbow used a lot of paint and cardboard to help his son trick-or-treat in style.
Battlefield: 1942 Halo mod 16 Nov 02 Information and models from an in-progress mod for Battlefield: 1942. Volunteers are needed - read for details.
That Other Hunter 16 Nov 02 Examples of a 3D Hunter model built for use in an Aleph One project. It's unclear whether this guy will ever see the light of gameplay... but we're hoping.
Halo 2 Map Idea 3 Dec 02 An interesting level design proposal for a Halo 2 multiplayer map, by Covenant. Well thought out, and the thread has some more ideas.
Pilllar of Autumn Counter-Strike Map 4 Dec 02 bikeman's contribution to the world of Counter-Strike - an interesting level played on and around the Pillar of Autumn.
Halo Rater 9 Dec 02 Glen Sanford's small (28k, zipped) Windows program that will rate you in slayer games.
FunkDaddy's Halo Icons 13 Dec 02 Collections of 27 icons (the link points to a preview) for both Windows XP (48x48, 269K) and MacOSX (128x128, 847K).
The Night Before Christmas 22 Dec 02 Red Loser's reworking of an old classic - beautiful.
Halo Signs 27 Dec 02 Roger Wilco's contribution to Halo's road infrastructure.
Lego Warthog 27 Dec 02 David Karl created a cool Lego Warthog, and even gives some tips on recreating it.
Jedi Knight II Ingame shots 5 Jan 03 agentJ64 created a Covenant model for Jedi Knight II. Darth Epy0n installed it, and took some screenshots. These are them.
Halo 2 Cover Art contest 9 Jan 03 c0ld vengeance challenged our forum to create box art for Halo 2. 8 months later, we're still receiving entries.
3D Halo 2 logo 3 Feb 03 This is a spinning 3D model of a potential Halo 2 logo, created by DovBer Friedman; 1 mb.
WideSpaceHalo 17 Feb 03 A collection of three images designed to be used on a three-monitor desktop. Also available individually in our Wallpaper section.
Calvin and Halo 8 Mar 03 A resurrection of one of the best comic strips of all times, by Warbow. Additional strips are added periodically.
Owner's manual for Halo 13 Mar 03 Roger Wilco modifies the Owner's manual for a paintgun to fit everyones favorite ringworld.
Female Spartan 21 Mar 03 agentJ64 turns in a Master Chiefette model for Jedi Knight II.
MC Counter-Strike skin 21 Mar 03 rd^kosh created a Halo skinpack for Counter-Strike.
CTF strategy guide 6 Apr 03 Poocho wrote up a strategy guide for playing Capture the Flag, with specific scenarios for Blood Gulch and Sidewinder.
Dogsounds' Art Contest 7 Apr 03 A drawing contest (or rather, a pair of them) with some interesting results.
Halo Mission by Randy Glass 9 Apr 03 Randy Glass designed a Halo level. PDF format, 3 mb. Also available on Randy's site.
Spartan Training Camp 10 Apr 03 Another cool Flash animation by BOLL.
MC Wall Mural 13 Apr 03 Bruce paints a pretty picture. One lucky kid.
HALOrama - Panoramic views of Halo 27 Apr 03 BOLL has created some amazing Panoramic views and included info on how they were created.
The AAARDP 30 Apr 03 A sad tale from the UNSC archives.
Grunty Thirst 3 Jun 03 BOLL's Halo-inspired creation for a school animation project. 2 mb, QuickTime format
Pelican Flash Game 15 Jun 03 An astoundingly addictive Flash game where you attempt to fly the Pelican through caves of increasing complexity. 5 levels (with the fifth being nearly impossible). For a very short time, there was a high-score list online for this - but the server couldn't keep up with the thousands of people playing and submitting scores, and we pulled the list. The game's still up, though.
Halo Clock 15 Jun 03 BOLL turned out ANOTHER addictive Flash creation - a clock that keeps time with Halo vehicles. Check it out! Both online and downloadable versions available.
Map of E32K3 Halo Demo 17 Jun 03 Gholsbane created a map of the level shown in the E3 2003 Halo 2 demo movie. 102K. Described in this forum thread.
Images of Longest in Half-Life engine 10 Jul 03 A preview of a recreation of the multiplayer map Longest in the Half-Life engine. 105K.
Halo Battle Rifle 13 Jul 03 Chris Bryan created a model of the Halo battle rifle. It is a working pellet gun made of solid wood, with a laser sight scope, and is set to the same scale as the Halo original. Quality is very, very high.
Halo Clock 2 28 Jul 03 Another way-cool Flash clock - this time using MCs to tell time. BOLL rocks.
Sentinels 28 Jul 03 Some animated gifs created from EXTREMELY high-quality screenshots show opening and closing sentinels at multiple angles - you could almost believe these came from Bungie.
Mapping Halo 28 Jul 03 BOLL used some custom software and a lot of time to recreate the map tiles Bungie used to texture the Halo. Absolutely worth a look.
Red/Blue Hunter Model 31 Jul 03 Another Chris Bryan creation, this time made of super sculpy (the same pink clay used to create models for creatures in Star Wars movies). He's 5.5" tall, from base to tip of longest spike... and he's not for sale.
Hunter Model 31 Jul 03 A Chameleon Red/Blue Hunter Model made by Chris Bryan
Halo Weapons Sound Board 2 Aug 03 Flash-animated Halo sound board, created by BOLL. See if you can come up with a tune!
Multiplayer Maps... with vehicles. 12 Aug 03 Nick did some hacking to put vehicles into all multiplayer maps. Useless... but fun.
First Top-of-Level pic on Halo PC 27 Aug 03 Dark Helmet wanted to be first - he was.
Xbox Costume 4 Nov 03 A picture of Chris Macias' Halloween costume.
343 Guilty Stick 21 Nov 03 A series of Flash animations made by Glatiaterrr3000.
Life-Size Rocket Launcher 23 Nov 03 Photos of a Rocket Launcher model made by Master Chief Cutter. Original link died - we're hosting a mirror.
Building Master Chief 24 Nov 03 Master Chief being built (flash animation) by ASPMaster.
MC Built Top Down 24 Nov 03 ASPMaster created a cool little Flash Animation in which the MC is built, top-down.
Skavenger_s7 Stories 2 Dec 03 Here's a way to read stories written by forum jester Skavenger, without having to search through the archives.
Porntana 2 12 Dec 03 Captain Spark presents the quasi-sequel to porntana.
HBO Xmas puzzle Carnage quiz 12 Dec 03 A fun holiday puzzle set on the HBO forum.
Wearable MC Suit 20 Dec 03 A chronicle of Chris Bryan's wearable Halo 2 MC suit - built over the course of a year. Documented all along the way. Wild!
Halo Movie Spoof Contest Entries 25 Dec 03 MacGamer held a contest for photoshopped Movie Spoof entries; we're giving a home to those that entered but didn't win.
Halo Movie Spoofs 26 Dec 03 MacGamer had announced the winners of their 'Put the Master Chief in a Hollywood Movie' Photoshop contest. Some people were surprised by the winners... and after we received some submissions from folks who didn't win, we were, too.
Biomonky's Haloween grunt 4 Jan 04 Biomonky dropped off a photo of his Halloween (Haloween) Grunt hat and plasma pistol, made with acrylic paint, a cardboard box, newspaper, tape, and glue.
Longest for Counter-Strike 5 Jan 04 Dylan Velasquez created a Counter-Strike version of Longest.
Ptown_Players' Xboxconnect sounds 14 Jan 04 Ptown_Players' have created some sounds they use with Xboxconnect, and they want to share.
Ragnarock's 3dsmax version of Hang 'em High 21 Jan 04 Ragnarock sent in a few pics of a version of Hang 'em High he created for a class.
Erraticus Stupendicus 4 Feb 04 elmatto created a comic about him and some friends playing Halo.
Stikfas Master Chief 5 Feb 04 DeWayne Muse sent in a few shots of a customized Stikfas Master Chief - he's pretty slick!
Master Chief vs Darth Vader 13 Feb 04 Singh Commando takes a humorous look at what might have happened had two universes collided.
Halo Stellar Cartography 15 Feb 04 Walshicus submitted a star chart of the Halo universe, along with an enormous amount of information about these and other stars.
Halo Weapons In Marathon - Flamethrower 15 Feb 04 Matt Grap sent along a few screenshots of some work a friend is doing; he's in the process of porting the Halo weapons to Marathon. (Well, okay, Aleph One.) This one is the Flamethrower.
Halo Weapons In Marathon - Assault Rifle 15 Feb 04 Matt Grap sent along a few screenshots of some work a friend is doing; he's in the process of porting the Halo weapons to Marathon. (Well, okay, Aleph One.) This one is the Assault Rifle.
Halo Weapons In Marathon - Rocket Launcher 15 Feb 04 Matt Grap sent along a few screenshots of some work a friend is doing; he's in the process of porting the Halo weapons to Marathon. (Well, okay, Aleph One.) This one is the Rocket Launcher.
Tabbed Guitar Solo from Silent Cartographer 16 Feb 04 Vicious Circle decided he really liked the guitar solo from Silent Carttographer... so he tabbed it out for guitar. You can view it online, or download it as a Word document (link is on the page).
Grunt Shooting Game 18 Feb 04 BOLL has created yet another flach game. Get the grunts before they get you (wait for the first one to appear, then click it with your mouse).
Active Camo MC from Joyride 19 Feb 04 Danny Kolacz spent an hour getting a promo Active Camo MC into a regular Joyride container.
Warthog Launch revisited 25 Feb 04 BOLL continues to turn out flash games for the masses. This creation has you launching warthogs into engineers for points.
Fur-lo, Tina Leyk's Halo Furry Fan Comic 1 Mar 04 Tina Leyk has created a Fan Comic that is a blend of Halo and Furry/Fantasy.
Tina Leyk's Halo Fan Art. 1 Mar 04 Tina Leyk has a great collection of Halo Fan Art.
Player Stats 1 Mar 04 Greg Irvine put together a spreadsheet to keep track of player stats for his local LAN group. He's now made it available to the community as a whole.
Blood Gulch, a story of Bravery and Servival. 3 Mar 04 Michael Frank and some others wrote a Flash animation; it's a 4 mb story of Bravery and Survival (yeah, their words) in our favorite canyon.
Beginner's Guide to Halo PC Hacking 4 Mar 04 XLNC has posted a rather extensive guide to Halo PC Hacking for beginners. Many usefully tips in this one.
Halo Dot Game 5 Mar 04 J Squared has submitted a Halo Dot Game; download this image and print it out, and you and a friend can play this classic pencil-and-paper game with a twist. 372 kb jpeg, suitable for printing at 8.5 x 11 at 300 dpi.
Dancing MC 11 Mar 04 Ragnarok shows off the Dancin' MC. I gotta say - he's pretty funny! 13 seconds, 672K, in DivX format.
Pillar of Autumn 15 Mar 04 Frankie 'Deadpool' G. had been creating Halo miniatures out of Warhammer 40k models.
Guitar Tab of the Opening Halo Theme 16 Mar 04 A guitar tab of the Opening theme of Halo, created by XvShadow.
Churchill Halo Speeches 22 Mar 04 Walshicus created a pair of speeches modeled on ones given by Winston Churchill in 1940.
Madda Cheeb: Golfer 22 Mar 04 Benny, from Xbox Ottawa (part of the team behind the FTC videos) has submitted a new Flash game - Madda Cheeb: Golfer.
Analysis of Halo: Combat Evolved using Game Design Patterns 30 Mar 04 BOLL wrote an interesting paper for school. He uses a methodology developed last year by three Scandinavian researchers to break down gameplay in Halo, and determine how well the game would work without the patterns found.
3D Screenshot 30 May 04 Bungie created a 3D screenshot, and BOLL created this version for people without quicktime.
