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January 8, 2005 Link to this post

Paul is Dead.
Whoa. IceWeasel listened to a section of the Whisper in the Storm cutscene that sounded odd to him... so he isolated it, sped it up, and reversed it - and found a rather odd prayer:

"I wander the earth. I seek your forgiveness for my horrible crimes against God. Amen . I wish to seek death, destruction. the light, let the light that cannot be extinguished-"

I reversed the audio myself, to make sure he wasn't faking this - it's really there. It's unlikely the Freewebs link in his forum post will hold up, so you can find his audio splice in its original .wma format, or a more compatible .mp3 format on our own server. If you listen to the reversed audio with NO other modifications at all, it sounds a lot like Gravemind... but what would he be doing in High Charity at this stage? This one is wild. (Louis Wu 20:49:59 UTC)

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