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Halo news back Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Halo news forward

Podtacular Reflects on Halo 4's First Look
Our good friend Dust Storm over at Podtacular wanted to let us know that they just released their own podcast analysis of the recently revealed Halo 4 info. Always great to hear from these guys, so go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 19:04:21 UTC) (permalink)


Breaking In - Derek Carroll
Bungie has reopened their Breaking In series - Derek Carroll talks about how he got into the industry, and how he got hired by Bungie. (Sounds like he almost ruined Halo!) If you see yourself as a future videogame industry insider, this series is one of the best places to get tips and ideas for getting through that door! (Louis Wu 14:53:13 UTC) (permalink)


Of Ducks, and Dollars
pete_the_duck has opened a pretty interesting discussion - do you think it would be possible for someone to make a living supplying you with Halo content? Specifically, do you think it would be possible for HIM to make that living? Go read the details - and throw in your two cents! (Louis Wu 14:47:16 UTC) (permalink)


Projet Alpha - ONI: Sword Base
Cox let us know that Projet Alpha's glitch montage of ONI: Sword Base is now online. It's 20 minutes long, and full of bizarro stuff. Go watch! (Louis Wu 14:46:44 UTC) (permalink)


The Boy who Cried Halo 4
Layne Thomas sent word of The Boy who Cried Halo 4 - don't make the same mistake he made! (Louis Wu 14:46:16 UTC) (permalink)


Dust and Echoes Halo 4 news special
Woaf let us know that Dust and Echoes has put out a special podcast focusing on the Halo 4 content released yesterday - go listen! (Louis Wu 14:46:00 UTC) (permalink)


Interpreting fuzzy blobs
Greenskull saw some stuff that he decided was PROOF of the return of the Jetpack. Go see if you agree. (Louis Wu 14:45:40 UTC) (permalink)


Time to pull out the broom...
Okay, let's start the day off with a quick summary of some of the Halo 4 stuff we missed yesterday - I'm guessing the flood of info will settle down into a much more reasonable flow going forward.

  • NeoGAF's Devolution was invited at the last minute to participate in the Spring Showcase event last week - not because she's a member of the press, but because she's a fan, and she lives in San Francisco (where the event was held), and the stars lined up. Her writeup of the evening has a different flavor than the stuff you've probably seen from journalists - since YOU'RE probably a fan, too, you should read it. I've linked to a repost, because it's in a currently-live thread, if you want to participate in the discussion.
  • GiantBomb released their video overview of the whole event (the Halo content starts here) - they know what they're talking about, and their points are salient. Thanks, Zeouterlimits.
  • Gamerlive.tv has an interview with Kiki Wolfkill - not a huge amount of content, but an interesting read nonetheless.
  • G4TV's Adam Sessler sat down with Frank O'Connor and Kiki Wolfkill - it's amazing how much you can cover in a couple of minutes. Thanks, CyReN.
  • NowGamer bulleted what they thought was important from the Spring Showcase info dump - nice summary.
  • OKM took a look at some comments by Frank O'Connor about how Halo 4 is pushing the Xbox360 to its limits (this is a GOOD thing, unless your machine is near the end of its life). Thanks, Kibbles.
  • Enfinit stopped in to let us know that he's compiled a list of all Halo 4-related content - not just from yesterday, but ALL content. And not just articles, but screenshots, animated gifs, you name it. You need to visit Halo Waypoint to see the list. (As we mentioned yesterday, Forward Unto Dawn's Halo 4 Reveal Hub plays a similar role, though it's focused on what was released yesterday.) Looking over both of these, there are a couple of articles I might have missed - so go check 'em for yourself!

I'm sure there'll be more content as the day goes on - but it won't be anywhere near as overwhelming as yesterday! (Louis Wu 13:36:46 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Doing a cool thing for a serviceman
Perked Up
Redefining a Masterpiece
Greenskull's First Look Analysis
Tsquared looks forward
Frankie talks to GameReactor
VentureBeat's take
Halo 4: Story and Vision
Edge Preview - next month
Positive Fuss
'Sup, Chief
Destructoid - First Glimpse
Remaster Chief
What we know so far
Making Halo 4: First Look
The Flood Begins
FUD's Halo 4 Reveal Hub
Early Halo Wars models
Sterling Hundley's take on Halo
Halo Mylar Prints

Sunday's news in brief:

Kill 'em all... you know the rest
Telikos Protocol
Taking Time out to Look at the Beautiful Things
The Tyrant Documentaries: Episode 10
Campfire Stories S2E5

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
