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Halo news back Monday, June 25, 2007 Halo news forward

Zune Giveaway Update
We promised that the Zune Giveaway results would be posted by this evening - but we're having trouble reaching some of the winners, to get higher-resolution versions of their entries for display on the Results page. As soon as they come in, we'll post the whole page - it might be tomorrow, and for that we apologize. (Louis Wu 22:01:58 UTC) (permalink)


Mario vs. Spartan
trigger119 sent word of Mario vs. Spartan, a short machinima with a very well-done battle scene between Mario and a Halo 2 Spartan. It's only a few megs - go grab it! (If you're curious about the new TLD for GamingTV, read this post.) (Louis Wu 21:50:07 UTC) (permalink)


Heh - a reporter for the Edmonton Sun challenged Tom 'TSquared' Taylor to a 1v1 match on Lockout. Here's his side of the story - and here's MLG's take. Funny stuff. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 21:40:22 UTC) (permalink)


Playing with Numbers
rapture was messing around with Google's new Hot Trends feature, which replaced Zeitgeist. (Check out the top searches for the week ending May 18, 2007...) Hot Trends lets you compare search terms, with lots of interactive features to play with. For example, rapture looked at Halo vs Gears of War... while KP opted for something slightly different. Careful - you can lose a lot of time to stuff like this! (Louis Wu 20:51:05 UTC) (permalink)


Flugtag Halo Entry, On Film
eddie m noticed that Red Bull USA posted a video of the Halo Ghost Bike entry to the Flugtag competition this weekend in Nashville... watch the guys ham it up for the camera before their attempt... and then watch the attempt itself. I give 'em straight 10s for style, myself. (Louis Wu 20:42:42 UTC) (permalink)


2v2 Slayer Tourney in NYC
Nitro288 noticed that the NYCLAN website is advertising a 2v2 Slayer tournament with a $1000 purse, to be held in NYC on July 15. If you're in the area, give it a shot! (Louis Wu 20:37:14 UTC) (permalink)


When Admins Forget
Bzerker wrote to let us know that Treeskunk Productions has released Outpost: Backwash Episode 0: Before the Beginning - it's available in multiple formats, ranging from 21 to 74 mb. It sets up the mission the Elites have before them... and the interaction between players. Go watch! Update: wow, it's one of those days. We announced Ep0 of O:B back in October of last year; the steel trap is definitely disintegrating. What Bzerker was pointing out to us was not Ep0, but a totally unrelated film on the same page: the TSP Commercial (down at the bottom). Filmed on Desolation, it's a shameless commercial for both Treeskunk Productions and Second-Foundation.net (though it uses humor to take the edge off the selling). Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:15:47 UTC) (permalink)


Anti-Betrayal Deployment.
Today's Guest One One Se7en strip was created by BOLL - and it shows that not everyone is enamored with Halo 3's bubble shield. Folks might want to keep this strip in mind when playing against Stuntmutt this fall... (Louis Wu 17:03:15 UTC) (permalink)


HTB is back
Sane Intolerant let us know that he's created two new Halo Toy Box strips - he says they're both centered around Shadowrun. Look Before You Teleport, and Reusable Targets. I don't get them. But then, I never played Shadowrun. (Please don't flood me with mail explaining these; I don't really need to know.) (Louis Wu 16:44:53 UTC) (permalink)


ARG Watcher Needs a Hand
Nathan Gibson, who's maintaining the website Maximum Fear as a repository of information about the Iris ARG, let us know that he'd love some help. If you're interested in working on extra content for the site (mostly editing and putting together theories from content sent into the site), stop by the site - his email address is in the top left corner. (Louis Wu 15:30:39 UTC) (permalink)


Part One.
Skavenger, unhappy that he's been out of the Halo news for so long, has whipped up a really cool piece of machinima. Oh, wait, that's right... he's only really capable of mediocre films. Unwilling to foist that sort of work on you, he's fallen back on his old favorite - a puzzler. This one starts as a word search - but that ain't how it ends... go see what you can do with it. C'mon, Skav needs the attention. (Thanks to Morningstar for posting it - Skav's smart enough to know that when he gets near the forum, things start breaking.) (Louis Wu 13:02:01 UTC) (permalink)


Retconning the Halo Arsenal
Gravemind has taken a look at the human weapons Bungie has included in the Halo series, and wondered a little about how they'd work if Bungie had stuck closer to reality in their design. (As he says in his forum post, it's just a "what if" speculation - don't take it too seriously.) It's in two parts, due to space limitations on 1Up blog posts - part 1 is here, part 2 is here. (Louis Wu 12:56:28 UTC) (permalink)


57 Chevy - coming up next
Wow. bs angel has customized her pink Spartan... with a screaming guitar. LOVE the frets. (Louis Wu 12:32:29 UTC) (permalink)


H2V WowLoader Source Code
TheGhost wrote to let us know that the author of the WowLoader program we mentioned yesterday has released the source code for his work, in the hopes that someone can pick up where he left off. The post he made on h2vista.net explains what's missing or needs work - and the loader, as well as the source code, can be downloaded from there without having to jump through the Rapidshare hoops. Programmers... start your engines! (Louis Wu 12:28:44 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Messin' with the Fans
H2V under XP - now
This Sucks.
Zune Art, categorized
The Riot 53
The Spartan Effect: Episode 5
Female Elite Art at DA
Halo 3 Theme for Windows XP
Yay for random Halo references!
McFarlane preorders now available
Podtacular 117
Nashville Flugtag Report, Halo-Style
Still Sharp

Saturday's news in brief:

Alien Biology 101
ShocKWav3 looks back at NJ
We keep 'em honest.
Metroid vs Halo
Laser Tag Plasma Rifle - it vibrates!
Needle Glory
Machinima Finalists Reduced

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
