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Saturday, August 27, 2005 |
Suffer THIS! That's pretty much the end of updating for the day. An internationally-attended lanfest (notables include Stuntmutt, c0ld vengeance, BOLL, and Canada's Anton P. Nym, as well as US-based folks like Ducain, Warbow, and Shishka) kicks into full gear - it's been going for a while now, but the largest number of attendees will be here today. A game of folks who wanted to make it, but couldn't, was played yesterday - hats off. We'll be back in full swing updating tomorrow - for now, enjoy your Saturday! (Louis Wu 15:42:59 UTC) (permalink)
Podtacular Ep 5 Podtacular! has posted Episode 5 of their Halo 2 podcast - Warlock and custom gametypes head the topics of this hour and a half audio blog. Thanks, Kaizer Bun. (Louis Wu 15:10:37 UTC) (permalink)
Rendered Chief Wow, very cool. Chris Bryan has posted a couple of new renders from his upcoming reel - you can see them here and here. Gorgeous! (Louis Wu 14:53:37 UTC) (permalink)
WaLKa Montage Preview WaLKa put together a preview for a new montage - sticks, snipes, sword kills, Halo and Halo 2. Nice to see footage that combines the games! You can find a download link on our forum, and another (larger by far) thread about the vid over at (thanks, Z). 62 mb, MPEG-2 format. (Louis Wu 14:02:42 UTC) (permalink)
Bijou? Like the theater? The Weekly What's Update is now posted at - info about PAX, info about the new playlists coming out in the next couple of weeks, a larger version of Mike Hill's amazing warthog pic we posted this morning, and a really, really scary pic of Mister Chief in a speedo. (Blame DanteThePoet if your eyes bleed.) (Louis Wu 00:40:06 UTC) (permalink)
Friday's news in brief:
Thursday's news in brief: