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Halo news back Monday, March 14, 2005 Halo news forward

PlanetDoom Editor talks about violence
The next GameSpeak, the series of interviews at CBSNews.com about violence in videogames, has been posted - this one has Jeff McAllister, of PlanetDoom, taking a crack at the questions. Not surprisingly, Jeff falls firmly into the 'video games are no better or worse than other forms of entertainment' camp. Coming up in the series: a huge 'Mailbag Blast-O-Rama' article containing some of the email readers received when trying to contact Jack Thompson (that should be FUN), and an interview with Hal Halpin, president of the Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association. Stay tuned! (Louis Wu 22:18:48 UTC) (permalink)


A Worthy Disc
DoctorEvol decided to mill the Seventh Column logo out of solid aluminum. There are a pair of pictures in this post - the circle is 8 inches (20.3 cm) across, the depth of the cut is about a seventh of an inch or so (40 mm). Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:28:26 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie AI Programmer Talks Shop
Damian Isla's talk from the 2005 Game Developers Conference, 'Handling Complexity in the Halo 2 AI', is now online at Gamasutra. If you're not a member (and don't feel like signing up), the Printer-Friendly version does not require a login to view. It's a pretty intense read - but fascinating. Check it out, if you're curious about how character AI works. Thanks, Dan Chosich. (Louis Wu 21:19:22 UTC) (permalink)


Infamous Last Words.
Today's One One Se7en looks at some of the things you might hear on your XBL headset just before that Red X appears... (Louis Wu 17:51:56 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3 Wish List at Stuffo
HowStuffWorks has put together their Halo 3 Wishlist. Comes with pictures, even. Funky. Thanks, Eli Payne. (Louis Wu 17:32:50 UTC) (permalink)


Training Mode... Terminated!
A few weeks ago, Tree Skunk productions released the first couple of episodes of Outpost: Coagulation. We've been announcing them as they come out - but the news posts haven't been terribly enthusiastic. This was primarily because I felt the series needed to focus; audio work was shakey in most episodes, and the plot seemed to be staying awfully close to an RvB-type thing. Well, they've released episode 4, and they seem to have taken these criticisms to heart (or maybe they're just hitting their stride). Audio work is MUCH better, there's a storyline that stands on its own, and the camera work continues to be quite good. (I'm lovin' the talking hog. Think Speed Buggy with an attitude.) Currently WMP9 only, though I'll be encoding a QuickTime version later today (if they're interested). Go watch. (Louis Wu 15:09:23 UTC) (permalink)


Jump Tactics Tourney Update
HALOChat posted an update for the Jump Tactics JUMPS tournament - if you're participating, it's in your interest to read this stuff before Wednesday. So what are you waiting for? (Louis Wu 14:33:03 UTC) (permalink)


StK takes x6 in Houston
WaLKa pointed out results from this weekend's MLG Houston tournament on our forum - StK beat Check 6 for the title, with Str8 Rippin picking up third place. Lots of articles can be found on the MLGPro.com website. Go read about it! (Louis Wu 14:28:10 UTC) (permalink)


New Strategy Guide (and writer) at TalkXbox
Not long ago, we mentioned that TalkXbox.com was looking for a new Strategy writer. One of the applicants (thanks to that news post, apparently) was Sparky - search our news for some of his existing strategy guides. He got the job - and at the moment has a big front-page banner at the top of TalkXbox.com for his Guide to Vehicle Handling (which is NOT the same as the guide of the same name he wrote on our forum last year - this one is totally updated for Halo 2, and contains nice pics and everything). Go check it out! (Louis Wu 13:12:31 UTC) (permalink)


Story Page FAQ updated
Finn has taken some time and updated the Halo Story Page FAQ - it's absolutely worth a read if you're interested in submitting info to that portion of the site. Remember: the Story page is there for thoughtful speculation about... well, the story. To speculate about fiction, you have to ENJOY reading, really - Story page submitters have less excuse than anyone (except maybe Fan Fiction submitters) for not reading Frequently Asked Questions lists before contributing. So go read! (He did good, even. It won't hurt.) (Louis Wu 12:08:34 UTC) (permalink)


The Philips Phile - Halo Style!
This is one of the oddest things I've seen - but it's pretty fun. There's a talk radio program in the Orlando, FL market called The Philips Phile - they've got a couple of real Halo fans on staff. (In the past, they've sponsored mini tournaments - Motherstooth made this cool trophy for one.) Now, if you visit their homepage, and look for a picture of a Master Chief with an energy sword, you can follow the link to 'Philips Phile - Halo Style'... a series of videos (made by Motherstooth, hosted by That Weasel) starring the characters of the show in Halo machinima. (For the record, all hosting and moviemaking is done by fans - the radio program is not making any money off of this.) It's probably of most interest to those who know (or at least can hear) the show... but for me, it shows the lengths to which fans will go to show their love. Check it out! (Louis Wu 11:46:48 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Pillar of Autumn Uniforms
I'd be offended...
WCG 2005 Europe goes to Germany
I have always wanted to be taller.

Saturday's news in brief:

Saturday Light Reading
Large-screen tourney in Canada
One Last Ambient Snippet
Progress continues on an MC Suit
Pick a pretty picture
GDC Keynote Mirror
That thing just won't stop selling.
Weekly What's Update - March 11

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
