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Halo news back Tuesday, January 11, 2005 Halo news forward

Halo 2 SmartPhone skin
Major Nelson is pointing out a Halo 2 Smartphone Home skin on his blog. (I don't know - nor really care to know - what a SmartPhone is, but if you do, and this is interesting to you, thanks go to Cybrfrk.) (Louis Wu 23:37:32 UTC) (permalink)


How Cool is That?
Marty O'Donnell weighed in on the recently-found reversed poetry that's present on several campaign levels - and teased fans with hints of at least two MORE cool items still left to find. Read his post - and start searching! (Louis Wu 21:01:19 UTC) (permalink)


MC for a good cause
UK game retailer GAME auctioned off a 6 foot tall Master Chief statue (different from others we've mentioned recently - this one has him standing upright, with guns at his side), with proceeds going to the Tsunami Earthquake Appeal. Final bid was £365 (it closed a few hours ago). (We heard about it from Frankie, over at Bungie.net - who beat US to the punch, but didn't seem to realize that at the time he posted it, bidding had been over for more than 4 hours.) (Louis Wu 20:56:40 UTC) (permalink)


ILB puts ARG in the Spotlight
Hehe - cool. Even though Joe Staten recently stated that the 'I Love Bees' game was NOT canon, with respect to the Halo storyline, it was still an awful lot of fun for an awful lot of people. Looks like someone is using it as the capstone to a new book on Alternate Reality Gaming, due out really soon in electronic form, and next month in a dead tree version. ICDedPpl found this over at Slashdot. (Louis Wu 20:24:06 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie Cares.
I meant to post this last night, but forgot. There was a large thread on our forum recently discussing the sound you hear on the Zanzibar bridge (the bridge that leads to the plasma sword) - we mentioned the issue here. We got a post from Jay Weinland, creator of the sound effect in question - who apologizes for the bug that makes the sound repeat for some players, and explains why it's as loud as it is in the first place. This doesn't FIX the problem (as Jay mentions, he's 'an audio guy in a programmer's world'), but it might make some of you feel better that Bungie employees DO care how their work affects you. (Louis Wu 19:29:57 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Maps Vid Contest has some Winners
Dennis Powers writes that winners have been chosen for the Halo Maps 'Create a Halo CE ad video' contest that ended last month. You can see the winners, as well as the entire field of entries, at Halo Maps. Nice job to all! (Louis Wu 18:51:24 UTC) (permalink)


About... us, I guess.
We get a lot of questions here at bungie.org - partly because folks don't read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page, and think we're Bungie Studios (we're not), and partly because Bungie doesn't HAVE a public email address to send questions to (the Webmaster doesn't count, since stuff sent to him generally gets ridiculed more than answered)... but partly because we've been around long enough that folks genuinely want to know stuff about US. Some of these questions get asked a LOT. However - they're site questions, or personal questions, rather than Halo-related questions...so they don't really belong in our FAQ. For lack of a better place to put them, I've added them to the 'About This Site' link at the top of our navbar. We'll add more, as demand warrants. (If I've forgotten a common one, feel free to let us know.) (Louis Wu 15:28:49 UTC) (permalink)


Readers and Editors think alike at TXB
At the end of December, TeamXbox posted their Game of the Year Awards - Halo did pretty well. Now, they've posted their Reader's Choice Awards... and Halo pulled down Best First-Person Shooter, Best Xbox Live Game, Best Peripheral (for the Plantronics Halo 2 Headset), Best Graphics, Best Sound, and Best Xbox Game of the Year. In other words... TXB readers gave Halo the same awards as TXB editors did two weeks ago... except they added Best Graphics to the list (the editors gave that award to DOA Ultimate). Thanks, John Rivas. (Louis Wu 15:21:30 UTC) (permalink)


Bomb plantage on Coag
TalkXbox continues their weekly strategy guides - this one covers Coagulation Assault. Thanks, as usual, to 3Suns. (Louis Wu 15:15:43 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Lobster Monkey?
Rebel Without Applause.
Monday's Letters
Jumpin' Jukes!
More goodies for sponsors at RvB

Sunday's news in brief:

Halogen Update
2004 Xbox Live Awards
Open Rebellion Underway
Plantronics Review at Xbox Solution
And with Credits, Fin
Marty on Audio
We're Being Watched
Questions... and some answers.

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