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Halo news back Sunday, December 12, 2004 Halo news forward

Arts and Crafts
Wow, cool. Epyon pointed out a website where you can paint your own picture - and suggested making cool Halo 2-related Christmas cards. He even supplied one of his own. (The site, art.com, shows you the process of creation when you click the link... pretty fun to watch!) Add your own offerings in the thread! (A number of forumgoers have already done this, with everything from Hunters to Misterchief wishing folks Happy Holidays.) (Louis Wu 21:33:23 UTC) (permalink)


Halogen Update
Chronomaw writes to point out that Halogen, the C&C Generals total conversion, now has a couple of new renders of the textured Nuke silo - and that there will be a new Flash-based site launching in January. (Louis Wu 15:09:54 UTC) (permalink)


New Tina Leyk Work
Tina Leyk dropped off a new picture this morning - a Forerunner structure. Not her normal choice of subjects - but it's pretty slick! I've taken the opportunity to top off her Doodles page, as well, with a few new images she's posted elsewhere around the net (these days, mostly on the Halo Babies forum - pretty fertile ground there for art lovers!). Use the 'Added' dates to figure out what's new. (Louis Wu 15:07:53 UTC) (permalink)


More Dialogue
Captain Spark has posted another 66 new dialogue snippets on his website. These will be up for a week or so (and hopefully, soon, up here, as well). Go grab 'em! (Louis Wu 14:49:05 UTC) (permalink)


Upping the quality, and a Kilimanjaro to boot!
TheTaintedOne posted a true widescreen (16:9) video (WMP9 format) captured of a game of FFA Melee Ball (the rules are explained in the forum post). He explained how he created the film in this thread on the HaloTV forum. Takes some higher-end video-editing software... but the results are quite nice! (Louis Wu 03:07:56 UTC) (permalink)


Those guys keep writing...
New content added to Xbox.com since the last roundup we did:

It should go without saying, many of these contain spoilers. Whew. THAT should keep you busy for a while! (Louis Wu 02:54:11 UTC) (permalink)


MrJukes Can Jump.
MrJukes put up a note on our forum recently - he's put together a series of videos showing some pretty cool jumping tricks in most Halo 2 multiplayer maps. (He updated the collection this evening, with three more videos.) Places you might not have realized you could get to - with or without grenades. He's pretty sure the bandwidth will hold out, but if it doesn't, we'll step in. Nice work, all around! (Louis Wu 02:06:13 UTC) (permalink)


All a player could ask, and more.
SciFi.com has reviewed Halo 2 - A+, they loved it. Thanks again, John Rivas. (Louis Wu 02:02:42 UTC) (permalink)


New Gear at the Bungie Store
There's a new sweatshirt over at the Bungie Store - black, with the MC on the back, a Halo 2 on the breast, full zip. Keep warm in style! Thanks, John Rivas. (Louis Wu 02:00:48 UTC) (permalink)


Caption needed
Yesterday, we posted a link to an article about the Canadian contingent at Bungie. What we didn't notice was the picture that linked to that article on the front page of the Globe and Mail. (If it's gone, bentllama has saved a copy on his own blog.) This puppy seriously needs a caption... I'm thinking something like "Jeeves, is my Harley still behind the third garage, or have you sent it out to be cleaned?" (Louis Wu 01:41:30 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

The Junkyard looks at Halo 2
Now THAT'S Art.
Flying Warthogs, Center Stage
An Outpouring of Words
Crikey! Something's missing!
Video games, eh?
HaloCE Video Contest - More Prizes
Carrying the field
Of circles, and dashes...
G4's Icons Update
All this, and donuts too.

Friday's news in brief:

Clan HBO - easing of the overflow
Miniature Halo Art Contest
CPL Summer Event looks big.
News Roundup
FoV hack for Halo 2
Double your Stuntmutt, double the fun!
Halo Schwag on eBay
Super Mario Bros. With Guns.

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
