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Halo news back Monday, November 22, 2004 Halo news forward

Detailed Halo 2 Weapon Statistics
Shadow Panther has whipped up a couple of nice tables - Weapons Statistics and Weapons Rankings, based on rate of fire and damage done. If you're looking for the best dual-wield combo, you should read these! (Louis Wu 21:32:07 UTC) (permalink)


Lot's o' Desktops
In a valiant attempt to try and catch up a LITTLE bit with the backlogged artwork, I've posted 30 new desktops in the Wallpaper section, bringing us up to late October. Closer! (Louis Wu 20:17:31 UTC) (permalink)


Gun Ho.
You know about trading weapons with marines in single player, right? Today's One One Se7en looks at a potential pitfall. (Louis Wu 18:20:01 UTC) (permalink)


Web news
The flood of Halo articles is really ebbing - The Daily Texan Online (University of Texas at Austin) put up an article looking at why Halo was such a success, and how it's being followed by Halo 2. (Thanks, Unofingersalute.) (Louis Wu 18:16:48 UTC) (permalink)


Da Funnies
Online comics - there are a few.

  • Ross Mills pointed out Blue Screen of Life, a five-page comic based loosely on the lives of the Uni students he lives with. (He didn't draw it, but he IS in it.) The first two pages are pretty devoid of Halo content.
  • w00tness has put up 3 new strips since we last checked in (first is here) - looks like the Covenant might have met its match.
  • VG Cats has a new Halo-related strip up today - it's a quick guide to Halo 2, and... well, go read it. (Thanks, Trunks.)
(Louis Wu 18:10:08 UTC) (permalink)


The Speed Runs Begin
Again - as a general rule, we're not hosting trick vids yet (the new site's not ready) - but High Speed Halo seems to be offline, and there have been a couple of speedruns of Outskirts done already. Juggertrout posted his run on our forum last night - but it was done on easy, and it's in WMP9 format, which is a problem for some people. Cody Miller submitted his own run - on Legendary, 4 seconds slower than Juggertrout's... and I gotta say, it's got style. 31.7 mb, QuickTime format. I still want to see a speedrun of Cairo Station... on Legendary. (Louis Wu 15:41:17 UTC) (permalink)


Active Camo - in a bedroom
Hehe - retsamolah was playing with After Effects, and managed to make himself go away. Movie is 1 mb, QuickTime format, no sound. Nice work! (Louis Wu 10:40:10 UTC) (permalink)


Clan HBO
Wow, I've been really remiss at dealing with this; sorry. We started up a Clan HBO on Xbox Live a bit before Halo 2 was available... but I've had no time to think about actually getting the whole membership thing off the ground. Maybe this huge delay will actually work out; many of the people who MIGHT have been interested in being clan members have probably gone out and joined other clans now in disgust. In any case, it's time; if you're interested in being a member of the HBO clan, shoot an email to clanrequest@bungie.org and I'll add you to the list. First come, first served, I guess; there are currently about 80 spots left. (Think of this as a mini-test; if you mail your request to a DIFFERENT email address, I'm going to assume you have trouble with simple reading comprehension, and I'm likely not going to bother adding you.) One thing to keep in mind; HBO has ALWAYS been about the fun of the game. If you're looking for a hyper-competitive clan... this ain't for you. I'm sure we're gonna have some decent players, and win games, and all... but the idea is to have a place to go to find like-minded people you enjoy playing with - that's always going to trump rank-h00ring for us. Update: Please - if you're going to send a request, do me two favors: remember to include your gamertag... and spell it right. Thanks. Update 2: Gah, the requests are pouring in WAY faster than they can be accomodated. We're currently at 100 members (the limit), though Bungie.net says 98, because two of the gamertags are having trouble. I'd love to accept everyone... but it won't let me. :( I haven't even figured out how we're going to organize matches - but maybe if we get something set up, we can build a second HBO team. (There were certainly enough people to fill a second 100-member clan...) Thanks, everyone - now get to playing! (Louis Wu 10:16:16 UTC) (permalink)


Sparkie - the artwork
New artwork at Halo Babies - a new fan strip and fan art from Sparkie (FANTASTIC style), plus new a new desktop and avatar. Go take a look! (Louis Wu 09:55:11 UTC) (permalink)


We Must Rebuild
Red vs Blue Episode 44 is now up over at RvB.com. I must say, I'm happy that Grif doesn't have a career in Hollywood... thanks, The Beaz. (Louis Wu 09:29:19 UTC) (permalink)


Turning a gamertag into an online pariah
Hehe - if you're going to try and manipulate game outcomes in Bungie's Optimatch system, you should be careful who you're playing before you start dropping. There are times when taking the loss would be preferable to making the wrong people angry. (Thanks, KP.) (Louis Wu 09:16:39 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Rescuing never sounded so fun
Sunday Net News
Writing fake news is stupid.
Sleepy Sunday

Saturday's news in brief:

Frankie interviewed on the Not So Late Show
Saturday Lit
ToyFare scans at Joyride
Mike Miller Looks at Legendary
WaLKa's Tribute to Halo
RvB set pieces Part VI

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
