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Halo news back Friday, October 8, 2004 Halo news forward

More Crisp Death
MrFluffyPants has turned in a writeup of the Crisp Death lanfest last weekend - you can find it (with pictures and everything) over at the Junkyard. Extra bonus - no pics of me. :) (Louis Wu 20:50:54 UTC) (permalink)


Talking Wallpaper
There's more new wallpaper for you - this time, at the Win It Before You Can Buy It Halo 2 Sweepstakes page at Mountaindew.com. Hit the 'Downloads' link at the top of the page, you can grab shots of the Chief, Grunts, Prophets, and Elites - and when you drag them into the display box, they speak. It's the first time we're hearing a Prophet voice... First heads-up goes to modified. (Louis Wu 19:57:04 UTC) (permalink)


Pretty pics for a Friday
Well, the Wallpaper section has now been moved over to nikon, as well; there are still a couple of minor display glitches, but nothing that will really affect your viewing pleasure. This means I can finally start clearing out some of the desktop images sent to us in the past couple of weeks; you'll find 10 new ones up and posted. There are some really nice ones this time around! (Louis Wu 19:28:23 UTC) (permalink)


Hero to Goat - in just 3 hours
Hehe - rule number one about trolling: know your audience. thunderhawk555 (who's been around our forum for quite a while, but just today earned his Trolling stripes), posted a note purporting to contain information from the upcoming EGM issue (due out to subscribers soon, and on store shelves by the 14th or so). In it, he discusses a gametype that many people have proposed over the years - and describes how Frankie tells the EGM guys all about it. Folks were drooling... until Frankie himself stepped in and stomped - HARD - on both the rumor, and the fact that it was included in EGM. Hehe - and now it looks like thunderhawk555 was simply parroting information he found on the XBLGamers forum (a host for multiple false rumors) - and passing it off as his own! Moral of the story: if you're going to make stuff up, make sure you're doing it in a place where folks can't fact-check you. (Louis Wu 17:56:28 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Fan Art - up for auction
Here's one I've never seen before - a Halo fan has whipped up a watercolor (seems to be inspired by this screenshot), framed it, and put it up on eBay. Starting bid is £5. (The artist is in the UK.) Makes you wonder... you think Microsoft might step in at some point? Comments can be left for the artist in this forum thread. (Louis Wu 17:40:05 UTC) (permalink)


Pretty skin
whoknew spent a couple of weeks modifying his Xbox - nice results! (Louis Wu 16:57:36 UTC) (permalink)


Unexpected Allies.
Glorp. I already pointed out I can be careless with regular updates - I almost forgot today's One One Se7en. Which would have been really sad, because this one is quite funny. (Louis Wu 16:33:54 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fiction
15 new pieces added to the Fan Fiction database today... see what you can find! (Louis Wu 16:32:04 UTC) (permalink)


Are you the biggest fan ever?
Mothergoat filled us in on the details of the contest mentioned earlier - write up the details of what makes you the biggest Halo fan ever, and you could end up in a big news story on Lawrence.com. The best writeup will winn a copy of Halo 2. Full details can be found on Mothergoat.net. (Louis Wu 15:57:25 UTC) (permalink)


The perks of the electronics business
J.D. dropped us a note about a Halo 2 event being put on for a yearly supplier convention held by Best Buy in Orlando today. This, apparently, is using the final build of Halo 2, and is running on 4 Xboxes and 4 TVs, for 16-player action - 15 minute matches. Plantronics is there, as well. Sounds like a good time! (No, it's not open to the public.) (Louis Wu 15:51:41 UTC) (permalink)


MC's still in Australia
ITLB writes to point out a few snapshots of the Master Chief, captured at an NRL game in Homebush, Sydney. That guy gets around! (Louis Wu 15:47:02 UTC) (permalink)


To the Bottom of Truth and Reconciliation
c0ld 'Sisyphus' vengeance has started a new contest; if you can get to the bottom of Truth and Reconciliation, on Xbox and with no modding, you can win a copy of the mosaic poster (97k) recently displayed at the Crisp Death lanfest here, plus a copy of Halo 2. Good luck! (Louis Wu 13:35:59 UTC) (permalink)


I looked for a unifying theme... none, sorry
Gah - two OTHER comic-related offerings today from around the web; Dork Tower mentions Halo (thanks, Brad) and there's a new episode of Marines at Sector 7 (thanks, Wolfy). Go read! (Louis Wu 12:48:13 UTC) (permalink)


Sure looks done to me...
A bunch of people sent us a Bungie.net webcam shot from last night - the first was this one, sent in by Cybrfrk. Looks like it passed certification, doesn't it? (I'm guessing we'll get the news sometime today, officially.) Update: looks like Cybr found it here. Sorry, Nil. (Louis Wu 12:42:42 UTC) (permalink)


Incubus - in the news
We got a couple of notes about Incubus yesterday - they're another of the mainstream bands whose work is being used in Halo 2, you might remember. The first comes from uberblue, whose friend saw them in concert in Charlotte, NC a few days ago - apparently, they played the first 20 seconds or so of the Halo theme, and then their DJ somehow morphed that into Pistola, one of their more popular songs. (You can listen to various small clips of it on the Media page of their web site. What's even odder, however, is this news report, which suggests that the lead singer might not have even MADE it to that concert - he was arrested in New York, on the way down, for having a switchblade in his carryon bag. (Not Halo-related at all, except that had he not cleared it all up in time, uberblue's friend wouldn't have heard anything.) Don't worry - we're not going to start covering bands with ties to Halo 2, I just thought it was interesting that we got two separate Incubus-related tidbits on the same day (heck, they're even related to the same EVENT), and one showed that they've clearly got Halo 2 on their minds. (Thanks, John.) (Louis Wu 12:35:39 UTC) (permalink)


Baby baby baby Why you wanna treat me this way?
It's Friday, so there must be an update at Halo Babies. Wait, no, there are two... there's a new strip, of course (I'm thinking that mrsmiley and Gruntsbane have forgotten that whole cutscene on the bridge), but there's also a pretty nice new wallpaper done by nrek. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:24:42 UTC) (permalink)


Mothergoat opens the doors
Mothergoat writes to point out that mothergoat.net is finally open - all of his Halo-related videos and music (including the previously unreleased-by-itself piano portion of Hail 117 Anthem) are now available to download. Plus, he says there's a Halo-related contest coming today! Keep your eyes open. (Louis Wu 12:20:27 UTC) (permalink)


Hah! It's Chumble SPIZZ.
Gah. I got so busy I forgot to come back and post Blackstar's Thursday offering for Calvin and Halo. I'm really sorry about that. Even more so because if you're in school, you might have been able to use this today. Such is life sometimes. (Louis Wu 12:18:04 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Wanna Play Halo 2 Early?
Chicks dig Halo
Professional Gaming - in NYT
Halo 2 at Ubercon?
More free Halo 2 headsets
Win lots of action figures
More on pop music in Halo 2
Still waiting for top shrinkwrapping jobs...
Zanzibar - before November 9?

Wednesday's news in brief:

Perhaps Halo-ween?
Bungie Interview at GBase
Falling grunts and taking the long way
Slowly modernizing...
Hey! I want some of that!
Conker can read?
Sniping Made Easy
National Day Off, eh?
Herald Sun says brace for impact
The Emperor's New Clones.
HBO COERCE signing off
Halo 2 German Launch Promotion
Halo 2 leads a killer lineup
Kubrick shirt surfaces
CNN looks at WCG
MLGPro Championship in NY

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
