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Halo news back Wednesday, September 29, 2004 Halo news forward

Someone get MacLain!
Narcogen, over at Rampancy.net, noticed a new update to the blog of Mat Noguchi, ToolMaster for the Halo 2 team. (I think I heard someone shortening that a bit, at one point...) Sounds like they're really winding down - we're close to the Gold announcement! An interesting 'bit of trivia', as well: "Legendary is hard. Really really really hard. Adamantium hard." Hehe - I wonder if we'll all feel the same way in 2 years? (Louis Wu 20:57:34 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Models for UT2k4
Looks like Levels4you.com posted a Halo Character Model pack for Unreal Tournament 2k4 last week. Thanks, Hawk7886, for . (Louis Wu 15:14:23 UTC) (permalink)


9.78 Newtons.
A couple of weeks ago, Frankie confirmed to Gamespy that there would be no low-gravity levels in Halo 2 multiplayer. Looks like someone forgot to tell One One Se7en... (Louis Wu 15:11:26 UTC) (permalink)


Wait - there are OTHER games?
Hehe - this is sort of funny. IGN Xbox is running a poll... "Most Anticipated Xbox game besides Halo 2?" If you can't beat 'em, rule 'em out. :) Thanks, Pete. (Louis Wu 15:04:35 UTC) (permalink)


And Still MORE Zanzibar Footage
E1337 points out a page at Xboxyde with a couple of vids on it; the first is simply a re-encode of a video we mentioned from them last week (if you didn't get it then, it might be worth grabbing now), the second is a 16 mb, 4:19 long WMP9 showing more Zanzibar gameplay from the TGS game floor. Video quality is good, audio is mostly the Japanese announcer and show sounds. For the collector who must have EVERY video... (Louis Wu 15:02:17 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's Words
12 new pieces for you in the Fan Fiction section today - poems, songs, stories. Go read. (Louis Wu 14:53:56 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Revolutions released
Back in July, we mentioned a teaser for a movie called 'Halo Revolutions' - it was footage of Legend, one of the best German Halo players out there, sniping... well, everyone. The full movie has now been released; it's a 124 mb download (the .rar compression knocked 35 mb off the full size of the movie), in DivX format, and available from ocrana.com, the site of the clan Legend belongs to. It's almost 10 minutes of kills, set to heroic music. Thanks to Demden and Geiernase for pointing this out! (Louis Wu 13:47:08 UTC) (permalink)


Super Play Translation
Victor Andersson has translated the Super Play article (a Swedish magazine) we added to our Press Scans area a couple of months ago - for those of you who don't read Swedish, you can now see the text that goes with the pretty pictures! Thanks, Victor. (Louis Wu 12:10:10 UTC) (permalink)


Thank God it's Wednesday
Boxer points out that Adventures in Disaster finally has its own website, with text and everything! Go check out the comic listing; there's a new episode for today (Episode #13), though it looks like the MC isn't too happy about it... (Louis Wu 11:08:12 UTC) (permalink)


MLG Championship Invitational
The final event of Major League Gaming's 2004 season is going to be the Championship Invitational - head over to MLGPro.com to read the overview of the event. It's being moved from Las Vegas (where it was originally planned to be) to New York City, on the weekend of October 23 and 24. The entire event will be broadcast live over VoD, MLG's subscription video service. More details will be coming soon! (Louis Wu 11:04:18 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Slurpee cups
Sanjuro Tsubaki, who works at 7-Eleven, was kind enough to grab all three Halo2-themed Slurpee cups (we mentioned them Monday) and snap a couple of pictures. Side one (144k)... and side two (143k). To those offended by the cheapening of the Master Chief - live with it, this is popularity in the US. (Louis Wu 10:53:21 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

The banner changes - and Marty speaks.
Speculations R Us
Art - it's what's for dinner.
Kimchee - now local
Screenies DB up to date
Don't try this at home.
But are they built like us?
Halo 2 Soundtrack - More than Marty?
You're waiting, I'm waiting, we're all waiting.

Monday's news in brief:

MC gets Brainfreeze
So where you gonna put that?
Windsor Medium - gone, but not forgotten
A Plasma Pistol in the Grass
Then Three Come Along At Once.
Countdown: 34 Days
See? He was reading the articles.
Halo Babies Monday Update
Movie Bonanza

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A Fistful of Arrows
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Reach Mythic Guide
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H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
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