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Halo news back Saturday, August 28, 2004 Halo news forward

Fellowship of aliens, eh?
Halo continues to make inroads in the fashion world, as Pallor points out that the September issue of InStyle puts an Xbox with Halo in their "What's Hot Now" section, along with a list of celebrity fans including Justin Timberlake and Julia Roberts. As with last time, it's good to see new audiences start paying attention to video games in general. (Count Zero 16:07:28 UTC) (permalink)


Yep, Subnova's down again, taking with it some sections of this site. We're working on it. (Count Zero 16:04:46 UTC) (permalink)


Potential WinXP issues relating to HPC/CE
Just a quick heads-up; if you play Halo PC or Halo CE on WinXP, and you're considering updating to SP2... be careful. At the very least, read this thread on the Gearbox forums. I have a pretty untweaked machine; it gets used for very, very little besides Halo. I'd kept up on all the updates prior to SP2, and never had a problem. My Radeon 9600 uses the newest 4.8 drivers. I made sure to open all the appropriate ports in my XP firewall. I updated to DirectX 9.0c. (All of this was prior to SP2, and both Halo PC and Halo CE ran smoothly.) However, after the update, when I fired up Halo CE, I got a 'Direct3D failed to initialize' error, with a suggestion that I check dxdiag. No errors were found, all appropriate functions were enabled. Nothing I could do would get CE to start, however. I uninstalled SP2, and all is well again. Just one guy's story. (Louis Wu 09:55:46 UTC) (permalink)


(GT)Juggler posted a Single player to multiplayer conversion map of the Hangar in the Maw. It's Xbox-only, so you'll need to have a modded Xbox to use it. You can find pictures and a download link on HaloMods. Looks pretty nice! (Louis Wu 09:42:32 UTC) (permalink)


Queue clearing - the Misc Art edition
The Miscellaneous Art queue, as well, is going to be cleared out, 10 pieces at a time. The first 10 (dating back to late June) are up now. Once again, apologies to all the artists whose work has been neglected. (Louis Wu 09:36:54 UTC) (permalink)


A couple of months ago, I cleared out the Wallpaper and Misc Art queues, and vowed not to let them get so backed up. Then I went and made a silly promise to someone - that I'd finish the backlogged Movies database before I added any more new content to either of these sections. This, of course, guaranteed another backup. Today, I begin the cleanout. I'll be adding 10 wallpapers a day to the Wallpaper section until we're clear. The first batch is up now - follow that link. (Louis Wu 09:07:22 UTC) (permalink)


Small Saturday Fiction Update
Only 4 new stories in the Fan Fiction section today - I was just clearing it out because I'll be away from the keyboard all day, and I'm doing my best to clear the inbox first. Enjoy. (Louis Wu 08:38:56 UTC) (permalink)


Dude, you're gonna be so whipped, man
The weekly update has been posted at Bungie's own Bungie.net, and it's a doozy. Not only is it much longer than updates tend to be, but it contains a great deal of specific information about parts of the game we've never heard about before, from evolving exploding buses to scary things that make you want to go wee. Some of the more interesting tidbits, to me, are the emphasis on asymmetrical maps (I'm looking forward to this, but I know there will be a huge amount of complaining by hardcore CTFers) and the revelation that Halo 2 will not have load points- new areas will be loaded "in the background" without interrupting play. Check it out! Update: Frankie wanted to clarify that there are load points - plenty of them, of varying length, between levels. They've just kept them minimal during levels. (update by lwu) (Count Zero 00:22:36 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Every Saga Has a Beginning...
IGN goes to Germany
Never Mind The Overshield, Where's The Fruit?
Interactive Answering Machine
Cool Threads
More reader questions answered at Gamespy
2 for 1 Gamestar Tics
Lethal Rage 4
Word, is right.

Thursday's news in brief:

Always Expect Castration.
Toyfare art - without the words.
Grunts eat pillows
Thursday's Words
More MLG-Seattle info
Halo 2 - In Australia
Gamespy answers questions
If you're dead, respawn!
6 Marines and a dead man's... banshee?
Halo 2 impressions in a Canada newspaper
Contests, contests...
Rampancy.net opens a Bee Forum
The Wind Beneath My Wings

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
