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Halo news back Friday, August 6, 2004 Halo news forward

Yucatan, huh? Hope the parachute drop goes better this time.
Frankie's weekly update has popped up at VideoGames.co.nz. It's a pretty long one this time, and with tons of nice tidbits and numbers- Gameplay animations are 95% complete, there's 4.1 gigabytes of audio dialog assets, and... pocky? Sure, why not. Check it out! (Count Zero 22:16:27 UTC) (permalink)


Just a quick note - I'm going to be mostly out of touch for the next few days. I'll do my best to catch up on off hours, and Count Zero MIGHT be able to fill in a bit... but if you submit content, and it doesn't go up right away, don't freak out, it just means we haven't gotten there yet. Thanks! (Louis Wu 15:17:01 UTC) (permalink)


You Got Served
cykage posted a vid made by Rippon, showing some... odd dancing styles. Brian Towne mirrored it at Mythica, so bandwidth shouldn't be a problem. 22 mb, WMP9 format. There's a QuickTime version, as well... because, well, we like Macs. (Louis Wu 15:16:00 UTC) (permalink)


Spec Ops Madness
'Ridley Rarzamee did some custom painting of his Blue Joyride Elite figure, and ended up with a pretty slick-looking Spec Ops Elite. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:55:18 UTC) (permalink)


Playable Halo 2 in London in September
It looks like London denizens will get a chance to play some Halo 2 next month, at the Gamestars Live event at the ExCeL facility. Tickets can be purchased from the Gamestars Live website, and the press release can be read at XboxRules.com (thanks, Walchicus). First notice of this came from Dark G, yesterday, though the information itself was nearly drowned out by the flamewar that erupted over the idea that the playable material might be single-player. Thanks also to broony, who pointed out an article at MyXbox. Details about WHAT will be playable don't exist yet - but an educated guess would be the Zanzibar level. (Louis Wu 13:53:45 UTC) (permalink)


Did The Earth Move?
Stuntmutt proves that metaphors are lost on the literal in today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 09:30:10 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Fanfic
8 new stories for you in the Fan Fiction section. Go read... (Louis Wu 09:17:38 UTC) (permalink)


Mark VI Vanities
Today's Halo Babies strip finally reveals the face of the Baby that MC's been trying to save. It may surprise you. (Louis Wu 09:00:17 UTC) (permalink)


NZ to see Halo 2 first
B ball master wrote gleefully to point out that The Gamesman (a New Zealand gameseller) is reporting that the November 9th release date for Halo 2 has been confirmed for New Zealand - which means that a kiwi will be the first consumer on the planet to officially get their hands on a copy. (Louis Wu 08:56:28 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Flight of...
Fire Sale on Bungie Stuff
The Monks, The Monks
Copy/Paste, Copy/Paste...
CEAds goes live
If only she were blue...

Wednesday's news in brief:

Always Outnumbered. Never Outpunned.
Light Wednesday Reading
Babes in Haloland
Halo 2 in contention for WCG 2005
Team Slayer Guide posted
New vehicles and weapons in Homefront
cG - now known as clutch Gamers
Halo50k3 gets top billing at B.net
From the horse's a- er, mouth

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
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Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
