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Halo news back Tuesday, August 3, 2004 Halo news forward

And Then Monkeys Flew Out Of My Butt
Frankie finally weighs in in an attempt to quash an incredibly persistent rumor. Can we all stop posting this as a fact now? Thanks to Littlebigman for pointing this out. (Count Zero 23:48:55 UTC) (permalink)


Going Nowhere Fast - Finished!
Watching (and judging!) 8 hours of video was a non-trivial exercise... but we've done it. The judges' votes for our Going Nowhere Fast contest have been tallied, and a winner has emerged. By a really narrow margin, goatrope's Silent Cartographer run was edged out by Trefitch's Maw run - and Tre will be able to practice for the NEXT contest we host on his brand new Limited Edition Halo Xbox. (Kudos, too, to Cody Miller's Library run, which also garnered high marks from all judges.) Again - you can download all 10 winning runs from the Going Nowhere Fast Status page. Congratulations to EVERYONE who entered - we had a blast watching these, and it was wonderful to see the interest this generated. Even if you didn't win, just entering puts you in a pretty small minority of Halo speedrunners! (And yes, there is one more movie still coming; a best-of, cool tricks vid. Timing is still unknown, but we haven't forgotten about it!) (Louis Wu 18:48:16 UTC) (permalink)


German Halo 2 Ad posted
Wow, very nice. Halo Universe has put up a new Halo 2 print ad (German) - it's 1024x1494, 288K. (Thanks, Marc.) Beautiful! Can't wait to see this one in US mags... (Louis Wu 15:09:02 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 at G-Phoria
AngelicLionheart noticed an article on IGN PC about G-Phoria, G4TV's Game of the Year show. In it is a mention of a playable Halo 2 demo (most likely the Zanzibar level shown at E3). AngelicLionheart wonders if we'll see some footage of gameplay from someone there... To be complete, it should be noted that Frensa Geran pointed out that Halo 2 would be playable at G-Phoria last week, on our forum. For more on G-Phoria, there's also an article at Gamespot, including a tiny film with a few seconds of Zanzibar footage (I couldn't tell if it had been recycled from older releases, though). (Louis Wu 11:39:24 UTC) (permalink)


Xtournaments changes
The Xtournaments Crew writes to say that registration has been left open a bit longer, because of a mistake last Saturday - and to point out that the Spokane, WA tourney location has moved. Details can be found on the Xtournaments website. (For those just joining us, Xtournaments is a multicity 4v4 national Halo tournament taking place in various iGames locations beginning on August 14, with $15,000 in cash and prizes on the line.) (Louis Wu 11:22:20 UTC) (permalink)


The Good, The Bad, And The Chuckly
That Weasel points out that Episode 8 of 'Grunts Are People Too!!!' - The Good, The Bad, And The Chuckly - is now available for download from the GaPT website. 6.3 mb in WMP9 format, 11.8 mb in QuickTime-friendly .mp4 format, this one is an old-style western. Nice use of mods for interesting camera angles. (Louis Wu 11:17:15 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

RvB in NYC - Again
Making Fiction Authors Better, One Comment At A Time
Magazines invade Bungie
Easy way to win?
New/Old Halo Walkthrough at Xbox.com
A possible way to increase PC framerates
Gotta Catch 'em All
Spec Ops - The Tru7h.
Halo 2 Headset?
Dead Babies

Sunday's news in brief:

More Halo Goodness
cooked Gamers come back
Arkansas Halo Tourney
Fonni Indeed
Crimson is a meanie.

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
