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Halo news back Tuesday, July 27, 2004 Halo news forward

And all was well with the world
Update on this morning's outage at Subnova; looks like a storm took out power for a good chunk of the evening. Things are getting back to normal, so everything that used to be running on halosn (including Fan Fiction) is back up again. (Louis Wu 19:03:05 UTC) (permalink)


More 'cel-shading' stuff
Dang it - I just found the beginning of this news post; I started writing it yesterday morning, but must have gotten distracted. Stupid bees... Captain Spark continues his cel-shading-like manipulation of Halo screenshots; he posted a pair that are actually the same shot, with different coloring. Very cool, if you ask me. (Louis Wu 18:21:02 UTC) (permalink)


keeping track of the details
Last Friday's Weekly Bungie Update has been added to our Archive - the collection (29 in total) is getting hefty, weighing in at 220kb worth of text. That Frankie writes a lot sometimes... (Louis Wu 18:13:11 UTC) (permalink)


CPL coverage from HaloSverige.nu
HaloSverige.nu (a Swedish Halo site) is gearing up for full coverage of next weekend's $50,000 CPL event (in English). Currently, the section holds basic CPL info (maplist, participants, rules, and so on). Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:58:38 UTC) (permalink)


E.T. - Still Around
Nice catch by Ross Mills - a few weeks after we posted a note about Eric Trautmann's leaving behind his involvement in the Halo world, Eric posted ANOTHER note on his blog stating that he might, in fact, remain on in his old capacity.

My job transition may or may not happen, I may or may not stay in this group. Or I may leave. Or I may not. I exist upon a bedrock of stability and security. :P

That was posted 2 weeks ago... Eric's a bit busy with wedding plans at the moment (good luck, Eric!), but it'll be interesting to see if he sticks around; he's been a major player in shaping the public aspects of the Halo universe from the beginning. (Louis Wu 16:00:59 UTC) (permalink)


Forum Improvements
We've moved our forum to a faster machine, which should solve the viewing problems some people have been having since the ilovebees invasion last Friday. The downside: it might take a little while for the DNS change to propagate. Please be patient! (Louis Wu 12:36:04 UTC) (permalink)


Caboose and Grif - together again
Red vs Blue Season 2 DVDs are now on sale; they're not shipping until August 2, but you can plunk down your cash now. You get the full collection of episodes, plus directors commentary, outtakes, deleted scenes, line readings, easter eggs, and 'Never Before Seen Videos', all for $20. Sounds like a deal! First heads-up came from Gentry Geissler. (Louis Wu 12:29:05 UTC) (permalink)


New Action Figure Prototype Pics
Figures.com has put up a gallery of pics of the newest batch of Halo 2 prototypes from Joyride, taken during last weekend's San Diego Comic Con. Some are quite washed out, but you can get a decent sense for what they look like in any case. Thanks to gd for pointing them out (in a totally random post, I might add). (Louis Wu 10:12:25 UTC) (permalink)


Site Section issues
We've known for a while that halosn.bungie.org, one of the mirror sites for our material and the sole server for our Fan Fiction section, was moving - what we didn't count on was losing touch with Deimos Fawkes, its proprietor, in the days leading up to the move. At this point, the machine has stopped serving Halo content, but I have no way of reaching Deimos to find out where to point things... so we've redirected the sections it was serving to other machines, and turned off the Fan Fiction section altogether. Hopefully, we can rectify this problem in the not-too-distant future. Sorry for the inconvenience. (Louis Wu 09:55:59 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Now THAT'S a big QuickTime.
Screen Grabs from Hi-Res Trailer at Kikizo
Two Betrayals - Directly
And For Those On A Budget...
GNF Phase 9
RvB Set Pieces III
Nice combo move
Baby Fans Unite
Halo50k3 - whatta show!

Sunday's news in brief:

Well, no bees are gonna get in here.
Pretty Pictures
Halo50k3 Updates

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
