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Halo news back Saturday, July 24, 2004 Halo news forward

Live from the gaming floor
Rapture, at Halo50k3, has been taking boatloads of pictures, including lots and lots and lots of shots of Nightmare Armor guys with all their gear. Warning: it's a pretty simple page, with 80-someodd thumbnails on it, so it might be rough on those with slower connections. Check out all the action! (Given the page name, I'm guessing there'll be more to come.) (Louis Wu 18:35:44 UTC) (permalink)


A Hum Dinger
The whole ilovebees thing went a little nuts yesterday; folks reading all sorts of stuff into whatever they could find. (The main thread on OUR forum has over 350 responses at the moment, with dozens of smaller threads around it. Other forums are just as bad.) Stuntmutt broke from tradition to put out a special Saturday One One Se7en with some thoughts on the subject. (I'm certainly not 'in the know' about all this stuff... but I have to say, it doesn't feel like a Bungie-driven puzzle. My best guess, at this point, is that this is a Microsoft marketing campaign, selling SOMETHING, but not necessarily Halo 2 specifically. One good suggestion has been something related to Xbox Live. We'll find out soon enough, I suppose... but I really am a little nervous that if it turns out that Bungie is not involved (again - I'm not in the know; they MIGHT BE), folks who already felt burned by the Enkidu puzzle will lash out. Just something to keep in mind, as you feverishly look for sevens in the ilovebees.com source code...) (Louis Wu 15:07:34 UTC) (permalink)


The Library, Directly
Standard web downloads are now available from a half-dozen mirrors for Cody Miller's 153 mb, less-than-21 minute Library run for the Going Nowhere Fast contest. You can find them (along with BitTorrent links for the first 8 runs, and direct downloads for all OTHER levels prior to the Library) on the GNF Status page. If you haven't seen it, this is a pretty impressive run; there are a LOT of 'how did he not die?' moments. (Louis Wu 14:51:25 UTC) (permalink)


Halo50k3 - the continuation of a legend
Halo50k3 kicks off today in Atlanta - more than 60 teams competing for their share of more than $10,000 in prize money. HaloTV will be filming the most exciting parts (though the streams will probably be coming from the mlgpro.com website). Good luck to everyone there! Update: Halo503 is live. New pics, live video, and updated news through the day. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:35:05 UTC) (permalink)


Fan Fic - Stories and an Update
Eleven new stories posted in the Fan Fiction section, including new Enkidu Contest Collection entries. On the front of comments, and how to deal with them, Wado has suggested setting up a new forum for Fan Fiction writers here at HBO - plans are underway. In the meantime (or possibly just as a replacement), a couple of people have suggested The Halo Fiction Source Collection - if you want to write, swing by and see if this fits your needs! (Louis Wu 13:09:06 UTC) (permalink)


Missing the Tinkle
This week the Bungie Weekly Update can be found on Bungie's own Underground forum - improved graphics, squashed bugs, content completion, and icons... it's all there. Go read. (Louis Wu 00:00:28 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

The Biggest QuickTime
Do Covenant Get Tans?
Bees... you think Ant Farm was involved?
Ridiculously high resolution vids
Hi-Res Halo 2 Ad available
Mac Halo Frame Rates, from Al Schilling
Flight of the Marine
Movies... or Comics?
Morning Movie Bonanza
New Mombasa Classic is Out
GNF Phase 8
That Doesn't Seem Physically Possible.

Thursday's news in brief:

An Ocean of Green Fizzy Stuff
Calling All Fans - One Last Time
Halo Delight
Spec-Ops are ALL black now
Halo50k3 Team Listing
But that IS a valid reason for upgrading
343GS now available for direct download
There's that skin again
A Tribute to RvB
Halo 2 Movie Ad now Viewable

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
