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Halo news back Wednesday, July 21, 2004 Halo news forward

The Fusion of Art and Technology
WOW. Xavier, a newcomer to HBO, pointed out a new skin he created, based on some fantastic Tina Leyk artwork, posted at HaloMC.com. (There was some trouble earlier getting to that forum, so if you can't see his post, he started from this picture, and ended up with this guy (a second pic is here). A local copy of the ppf is available here (145k). To apply this, grab a copy of Extion's HHHT application (a local copy is here, 532k) and apply this ppf to your copy of bitmaps.map (in the MAPS folder). From here on out, any instance of a Spec-Ops Elite (they occur naturally on Two Betrayals, Keyes, and the Maw, and can be injected into any OTHER level) will now have this skin. I took a couple of pics (one | two) after the cafeteria on the Maw - they're not great, but it was a way to see how easy it was to get this skin into the game. I gotta say... this rocks. All around. (Louis Wu 22:04:10 UTC) (permalink)


Oh 4our Three Eye For The Straight Guy
Looks like the Bravo network is picking up One One Se7en next season. (Louis Wu 17:14:08 UTC) (permalink)


Wrap It Up Part 2: The VERY End
Halo: Resolution posts the second half of its farewell teaser... the marines get a language lesson from a Cov Elite. (Louis Wu 17:11:46 UTC) (permalink)


TotalVideoGames.com has a story today that Microsoft Game Studios has just confirmed that the Limited Edition version of Halo 2 WILL be sold in Europe. Given that Bungie confirmed this very fact 2 months ago, I'm struck by the alacrity of the Microsoft marketing juggernaut... (Louis Wu 17:08:34 UTC) (permalink)


Happy Happy Carnage Carnage
Today is the 5th anniversary of the MacWorld Trailer, the day that Halo was introduced to the world (and the planet reverberated with the clang of dropping jaws). And yesterday was, incidentally, the 5th anniversary of this domain name (halo.bungie.org) - the website had been up at that point for almost two months, but it had been reachable at blam.bungie.org; we changed names (and post formats) when Halo was officially announced. (Why the 1-day offset? It's hard to tell this far down the road... but I think it's a mistake. :) ) The traditional gift for a 5-year anniversary is wood - I offer you the inside of my skull in celebration. We've come a long way, baby! (Louis Wu 11:06:08 UTC) (permalink)


Fan Fiction - big, but not THAT big
29 new pieces have been added to the Fan Fiction section today. It looked far worse when I stopped by to approve stories - but after I deleted 19 of the 20 copies of Elitehunter676's submission, things weren't quite so bad. (I can only hope it was a fit of epilepsy that caused him to submit 20 times... epilepsy is controllable with medication.) Hidden among today's entries is the first submission for our collection of the Enkidu Fan Fiction Contest entries - Wado's Dark Halo chapter is online. Again - anyone who wants to add their entry to this collection, simply submit it via the normal means, and then send me an email telling me that it's part of the series. (Please tell me the NAME of the story, so I don't have to guess which one's yours.) (Louis Wu 10:41:15 UTC) (permalink)


GNF Phase 7
Cody Miller, who took first place on Truth and Reconciliation, also aced the Library for our Going Nowhere Fast contest. Beating his nearest competitor by 5 minutes (and the third place finisher by almost 25 minutes), he raced through this level of relentless destruction almost without stopping. The video is 153 mb large, and available (for now) via BitTorrent. (And because we haven't mentioned it in a few days, here's a BitTorrent download link - there are still folks who haven't grabbed a client yet.) (Louis Wu 09:59:34 UTC) (permalink)


What happened to his pants?
Tina Leyk got stuck without power this afternoon - so she sat down with her Prisma pencils (and a pen) and sketched out a gorgeous Spec-Ops Elite. Check him out on her Fan Art page! (Louis Wu 01:24:06 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

All engines full!
Would You Like Some Cheese With That?
Halogen continues to progress
Zyos - the man, the myth, the MLG babe sandwich meat
Halo and the Stars
Grunts are People Too!!!

Monday's news in brief:

The Progress is the Thing
The Return of the Ring
Dratsabcm Yhgual
Wrap It Up Part 1: The End
Zanzibar Weekly Update 6
CGN Previews Halo 2
Halo Skin
A comment about leaks
Too Much New Stuff
Melee Combat at FTC
MC Shoots Trap
MacDev comes into its own
A window to other places
GNF Phase 6

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